We're getting ready to buy a glider for the nursery and I wanted to see if any of you had any recommendations. I have been checking out the reviews and Dutalier gliders seem to be the best, but I was shocked to see that they cost $400-600 exclusive of the ottoman! Target and Babies R Us sell cheaper brands (Shermag being one of them), but the reviews on those don't seem to be as great. I want to buy a good glider that will last us through future children, but I just hate forking out that much cash. If any of you have gliders, were you happy with yours? Is it worth it to pay the extra money for a good one?
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We ended up with a regular rocker because I couldn't bring myself to shell out for the Dutalier. We use ours a lot and I figured we would use a glider a lot and wear out the cheaper ones. (If you try the floor models at Babies R Us and the like you can notice how they are already getting wobbly).
I can't help but brag-- DH made the chair (from a kit) and that makes it very dear to me. If you are feeling ambitious, here it is:
They have a couple of models. And he made a matching one for our oldest daughter (replaced the seat with a tape seat to match on his childhood rocking chair).
We borrowed a really nice one for our first. For our second, we bought a pretty inexpensive one from babies r us, and it's already pretty much shot.
I'd love to have a real rocker, but I'd be afraid of little fingers on the floor. I also could never find one at yard sales.
I'd make my own, but I think it would look more like a spice rack.Enabler of DW and 5 kids
Let's go Mets!
Hm. I guess I'm the only one who got a good one from Babies r Us. I got it for $80 on sale and use it every day. I love it and was really, really glad I didn't have to shell out for a Dutalier. (way spendy)
Check eBay too...you might be able to find a good deal on there. How are you feeling, btw? Where are you at in preparations? (Don't do what I did and wait til the water breaks to pack your bag. And change the sheets and vacuum the house...you get the idea)
My first one was a Dutailer--we went all out for baby#1. It was really nice and very comfortable. We sold it after baby#2 (thinking we were done) and promptly decided to have one more. I couldn't bring myself to buy another high dollar glider, so my sister and mom got me a pretty cheap one at Penny's. I have to say, you get what you pay for! The current one isn't nearly as comfy as the first one, and I really miss the Ottoman to put my feet up on. I would suggest trying out several of the display models and if you can afford it, spend a little more to get a good one with an ottoman.Awake is the new sleep!
I would recommend a glider! We didin't have one the first time around because I wanted to use a rocking chair of my grandfather's. It wasn't comfortable and I didn't enjoy rocking in it! We bought a mid-priced one at Babies R Us and we have been very happy with it. The only thing is that the ottoman hade tufts in it and a couple came out. It is comfortable and big enough that both girls can fit on my lap in it. My 19 month old loves to sit in it too. I can't remember the brand name though.
THanks for the advice everyone!
Nellie, I love your rocker! Just think, your children will probably use it for their children...and your grandchildren for their children...and it will be handed down for generations to come!
Chris and Jennifer, Do you know what brand your gliders are that you bought from Babies R Us? I just met another one of our neighbors today and she mentioned that they are having a garage sale this weekend with lots of baby stuff. I have my fingers crossed that there will be a glider there...along with lots of other good stuff!!
I'm still feeling great and I'm hoping that'll continue for the rest of the pregnancy....although I have a feeling I'll be miserable during the last few weeks. We are still totally unprepared for the baby's arrival and I feel like I'm in a mad rush to get everything done. I just ordered the crib bedding (from a lady on eBay...gotta love eBay!!), but she probably won't be done making it until 2 weeks before my due date...so I have a feeling the nursery won't be done till after the baby's birth. I really need to get my bag packed, but I'm sure that'll be another thing that I put off till the very end.Boy, I thought 9 months was going to be plenty of time to prepare!!
Originally posted by lunaticNellie,
I love the shaker rockers that your DH put together! Is it comfy? We're looking for rockers for our front porch.
I hope the garage sale pans out for you, EDWife! Good to hear you are still feeling well.
We ended up with a Dutalier but only because we got it at a great discount - close to 40 percent off if I remember because the store was going out of business. It's super nice and I use it every day. Good luck with all of the preparations!!! Go to dinner and a movie while you can
Erica - the tag on the bottom said Distributor: Jardine Ent., Ltd. Came with an ottoman too. It's not superplush, but remarkably comfortable.
We also just got a handmade hickory rocker from one of DH's Amish patients! For being wood, it is very comfortable.
We have a Shermag, and really like it. The only thing I would change about it is I bought a rocker with chambray blue material, and I wish it was easier to clean. I think if I knew what I know now, I would have gone with a darker material to hide stains. Other than this it has held up great after two kids, and my dh.
Also I would have invested in a nursing stool rather than the matching ottoman, as I like to rock when I was nursing or am holding one of the kids. For me the ottoman makes it hard to do this, but it is nice to have for just relaxing.
CrystalGas, and 4 kids