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Baby talk

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  • Baby talk

    Both of my girls have started the most annoying habit--my oldest has suddenly developed the speech patterns of a 2-3 year old (me want a drink, not saying her r's, etc.) and my 3.5 year old talks like she isn't even 2 yet. I guess it's obvious why they are doing this--baby brother just turned one, started walking, is starting to say "dog" and other words and just gets loads of attention by just about everybody. So, I'm trying to ignore their sudden regression in speech, but can I just say it is driving me crazy!!! Tell me this won't last very long!
    Awake is the new sleep!

  • #2
    Sorry to say, mine has been doing this for the past several months and shows no signs of stopping. She mostly does it when she wants attention - she sees the baby getting attention when he babbles.
    She's also been meowing alot lately. How weird is that.
    Enabler of DW and 5 kids
    Let's go Mets!


    • #3
      She's also been meowing alot lately. How weird is that.
      Ok, that is funny. Well, I guess funny as long as she still talks when she needs to! A friend's son did that for a while and wanted to be called "star kitty" (the name of another friend's cat).

      We've had some of the babytalk, too. Seems like it has been best to ignore it since it relates to seeking attention. Or we try to say matter of factly -- I can't understand what you want, talk in your regular voice please.


      • #4
        normal, normal, normal.

        DS's preschool teacher reported that DS, as well as many other 3-5 y.o. boys in his class, resort to baby talk during transitional times or when they feel stress. It is like they haven't learned how to socialize. This particular habit drives me BONKERS because no matter how far behind he has been physically, he has been very verbal from an early age. For crying out loud, we're reading Harry Potter and talking about words like "dormitory", "menagerie", and "rogue". When I hear him say "Me want drink-y" to a playmate, it drives me up a wall. Of course, the more that I point this out to him, the more he seeks to tweek Mom off.

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5

          Maybe his girlfriend should tell him to cut out the baby talk. But them again, my room-mate from college and her fiance do it, so it's annoying through all of the ages.


          (ps- they call each other kitty cat.... Rick's lucky when I can remember his name and birthdate)


          • #6
            Ohhh....Jenn, you are giving me too much info! Next time I see you, not only will I violate your sense of personal physical boundaries by copping a cheap feel, I will also refer to you as my little "snuggly wuggly pooh bear". Love you.

            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

