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how to transition to one nap

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  • how to transition to one nap

    DD is on a really great schedule ( Flynn is my sleep guru here) of two naps a day one at 930 and one at 130. She still sleeps from 730p to 730a. When she goes to daycare two days a week, she only takes one two hour nap and is very cranky in the afternoon. She is 15 months now, and when should we transition to one nap- and how do we do it? She has been on a strict schedule for so long, I am not sure how to drastically alter it. What is a good time of day, and how long is normal?
    Mom to three wild women.

  • #2
    Some kids keep two naps for a while after their 12 month milestone. As long as she is sleeping at night, I would just keep the naps the way they are.

    The morning one will probably get shorter and shorter (maybe not but I think that is the most common) OR she will start sleeping less at night which would be another sign to phase out the morning nap. If things are going well, don't rock the boat -- but that's just me!!!!

    I think most kids are on one nap long before their two year birthday but every kid is different....

    Nice job on the sleep thing!!!

    Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

    “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


    • #3
      I agree with Flynn on the don't rock the boat. DD #1 dropped her am nap shortly after 12 months. DD #2 still takes a morning nap (10-noon) and that is usually her only nap but sometimes she needs an afternoon one as well.

      I wish she would start napping later -- I have to wake her to make a preschool run and she might be a little less fussy in the evening. I've tried to keep her awake a little longer (15 minutes) hoping that would lead to a later naptime. Nope!


      • #4
        I'm with Flynn and Nellie on this one. My one year old is on one nap a day but it is mainly for my convenience. I got him to do that by just keeping him up (against his will) several days in a row until he was used to staying awake till noon or 1pm.
        Awake is the new sleep!


        • #5
          Poor Nikolai's life was so regimented- he got two naps a day whether he wanted or needed them or not. So, we're going through the 'figuring out what this kid needs' process.

          I'm trying to get him on one longish nap in the afternoon, but so far he's still napping twice a day, then bed at 8:30 PM. thankfully the last few nights he's actually slept through the night. Rick has taken over bedtime duty- for some reason Nikolai does better with dad putting him to bed. (fine with me!)

          So, I'm interested to hear everyone's input on this one.



          • #6
            Both my boys just sort of grew out of the two nap thing. I can't even remember what happened.

            I do know that you just have to make sure they are awake at least 4 hours before their bedtimes. Oh, and the shorter the nap, the earlier you can do bedtime.

            This months Parenting has an article on sleep...


            • #7
              Our oldest slept through the night at 6 weeks, took two naps until 22 months, then took a good 2hr nap in the afternoon until preschool at four was grand.

              Our youngest seldom makes it through the night in one stretch, he has occassionally taken two naps, but now is trying so hard not to do a face plant while eating lunch, then he will sleep about 1 3/4 hours for his one nap of the day.

              Whatever works for you, is what works best....I need a nap :z

