So a couple of weeks ago I had to go in for an ultrasound because I had light spotting and feeling achy. It seemed to be getting better, but my doc wanted me in for a quick check.
The nurse I talked to said because I had had two really good u/s so far that maybe it's a case of I am overdoing it. Given my history they would be rather safe than sorry- miscarried at 10 weeks my first pregnancy.
Anyway, This kid must be camera hungry... :- have feeling maybe a diva is about to be born.

As far as the dull achy cramps, and spotting- there's an explanation.... the cramps- Braxton Hicks, and the bleeding- a low-lying placenta. I was told because I am under 20 weeks they can't diagnose me with placenta previa.

I am trying not to lift anything heavy, but it's hard when you're moving in 11 days! I always know when I start to overdo it- the spotting starts right back up.
From what I have been reading low-lying placenta or placenta previa corrects itself most of the time by 7 months. Matt says this pretty much answers our question about the whole family doc vs. OB question.
