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  • hand-me-downs

    What do you do with yours? I used to keep everything from DS. Let's just say that this was a waste because I had a girl in the exact opposite season four and a half years later. Now I am giving 90% of my stuff away. It is not that I am completely convinced that I'm done, I just realize that stains oxidize over time or the same things don't always work out. Besides, DS is at the age where he destroys everything that he owns. Seriously, this child could be a tester for fabric durability. NO point in saving his stuff.

    I have saved a few of DD's heirloom dresses for antique baby dolls and a few pieces that both of my children have worn. DH wanted to sell our old baby clothes but I said no way, Jose. It would be bad karma after all the bags of baby clothes that we have received. I pass them on to friends who can use them.

    But what about you all? Have you had any success with hanging on to stuff or do you give it away?

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    The only stuff I have ever saved is my absolute favorite baby outfits. My girls were so close in age that once they weren't passing stuff straight down, they were wearing the same size, so I divvy up their stuff and pass it down to a couple of little girls we know. Mitchell's stuff that is in good condition, I might attempt to consign, otherwise I'll just donate it.
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      I have eight plastic storage bins filled with girl clothes and baby stuff. I can't part with them yet. And that is the pared down post move version. My kids are 3 1/2 years and off by a season as well. It is starting to even out now and I am using more of the hand-me-downs.
      I don't know what I will do with them when we are done. Give them away to friends (though most are nearing being done rather than starting) or donate, I guess. But I'm not ready to think about that!


      • #4
        I saved everything and was pretty anal about having it organized and the bins labeled by size and season. (sometimes DH has nothing on me in the OCD dept.) My kids were far enough apart that nothing got passed straight down. The first two were both spring babies (April and May) but they were 3+ years apart.....and then Nathan was a fall baby, 3.25 years younger than my middle son. I think pretty much every piece of infant and toddler clothing was worn by at least two of the boys, although every boy also has gotten his share of new stuff. At this point, it is almost pointless to try to hand stuff down, but I still save shorts, sweats, and some nice outfits if I can. Luckily, my nephew (18 months old) has been able to use lots of our stuff after Nathan grows out of it, so that is what I have done once the clothes reach the end of the line at our house.

        The problem right now is that Nathan (born 9-7-01) is within about six inches of Joel (born 5-29-98 ) and they are the same size around the waist. So I don't think Joel will be handing things down to Nathan much longer!

        Remember my garage sale last fall, the one I made $800 at? It was largely due to the fact that we got rid of all the stuff we didn't pass on to my nephew. My obsessive organization paid off, big time! I did save a few baby blankets, but after three boys, I was pretty much sick of all the stuff anyway, even if we had been planning to have more kids!

        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #5
          Originally posted by mommax3

          Remember my garage sale last fall, the one I made $800 at?
          That's amazing!


          • #6
            As Nikolai is outgrowing things, I'm passing on the summery stuff to a co-worker of my husband's whose son is a few months younger. The winter stuff that I bought to take with me that due to the delays, etc. I didn't need, I'm planning to send directly to the orphanage. I have no need for a down snowsuit. (can't even think about it with the 100+ degree heat index we're having here!)

            I just bought some summer stuff (used) off eBay- ten outfits for $3.99 plus shipping that will hopefully get us through the end of the summer (which in DC can last until the middle of October!) They were faded a little but I don't care. He's one! Between diaper issues and smushed bananas- he pretty much gives his clothes a beating anyway.



            • #7
              WE just cut the NB - 12 month stuff in storage in half for the move. Sold most of it at our yardsale. Kept the 18mo+ sizes. Some of it is just one hand down, must most is 2, both Tim and the boy it was new for. Tossed most of the shoes, and have been stocking up on bigger and warmer clothes for our move to the Tundra.

              My plan is to whittle it down to just one rubbermaid container at the end of breeding LOL. Right now its in 8 contianers.


              • #8
                I held on to stuff for a long time. Now I have a very brutal approach. I sort out the things that don't fit as they grow and fill up a bag in the hall closet. When it is full, I take it to goodwill or donate it to Special Olympics for their fundraiser. I'm sure this is related to our new found financial freedom. And the fact that I can't imagine having another anymore!!
                Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                • #9
                  Kelly-I do pretty much the same thing that you do. I have a med spouse friend with a slightly younger son, so he gets a lot of it. Sometimes we make a half-hearted attempt to drag some stuff over to the consignment shop, but for the most part, we just give it away. I have a box of Ethan's baby clothes that I just couldn't part with--mostly my favorite outfits of his or ones that really remind me of when he was little. I'll probably do the same for Maggie, although I imagine the box will be slightly larger. DH doesn't understand why I gave him the box of Ethan's baby clothes to pack away in the attic. He just doesn't understand a mother's sentimentality. After all, this is my husband, who I caught (in college) THROWING AWAY cards that I had given him. Needless to say, he doesn't do that anymore!

