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Kindergarten. . .

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  • Kindergarten. . .

    You know what I just realized? I don't know when kindergarten starts! I know what school at least.

  • #2
    My oldest daughter starts kindergarten sometime after Labor Day; I'm not sure of the exact date. We talk about it quite a bit -- she is excited, but I think there will be a mix of some nervousness as we get closer. I think they have the kids visit the school a week or two before classes start. That will help somewhat but also remind us of how quickly it is approaching!


    • #3
      We are also on the countdown! Drew starts on Aug 4th. They have something everyday next week as orientation and "getting to know" the teacher, school, classroom and such. There have been lots of issues that seemed to have surfaced lately...being VERY bossy, and this sudden independence to want to read before he gets to school!? (got that drive from his Mom!)
      The state of Florida is having a "tax break holiday" for all the back to school shopping, so I am sure that we will try to get in on that fun.

      All in all, he is very excited and can't wait to meet some kids his age. He had a traumatic incident recently with the negihbor kid, who is nearly twice his age. Seems that the new neighbor kid, two houses down, got some new neighbors next door to them...which would make it three houses from us. Anyway, I was busy with the in-home therapist and Colton and let Drew play with the kids in our yard and over to their yard. Anyway, about 20 minutes into it, he comes in the house covered in water. It was about 97 degrees, and he was hot, but they had manipulated him then emptied the two water bottles I gave them on his head and clothes. He was terribly upset and couldn't understand what HE HAD DONE to make them want to pour water on him.....poor kid, it is so hard to tell a social-butterfly of a five year old, that kids are mean and not all of them want to be your best good friend.


      • #4
        Wow, you guys start early!
        Maya's kindergarten starts Aug. 29 and she can't contain her excitement. Just about every day she asks me how many days are left. We are planning a shopping expedition with another little girl who will go to her school to shop for uniforms. I'm thrilled that picking out clothes in the morning will be a little more simple, though I'm still we'll still have issues with shoes since she tends to prefer platform shoes to anything practical.
        She's been copying words in Spanish (even though she doesn't know a lick of Spanish) since her school will be taught entirely in Spanish--I think she's a little nervous about that.
        I can't tell you how awesome it is to see my once very shy child have such a fearless attitude about going to a new school where she virtually doesn't know anybody (we know a few kids, but who knows if they will be in the same classroom as her). I'm trying not to let on that I'm nervous about her taking such a big step because I don't want to project my feelings onto her.
        Awake is the new sleep!

