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The "Ys" Prevail

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  • The "Ys" Prevail

    In the last two days I have had my 20 wk appt and u/s. I am up 3 lbs, for a total weight gain of 10 lbs so far. I saw the midwife, as my OB is on maternity leave until October. We talked about the increased heartrate (~120 bmp), dizziness, shortness of breath that I have been having. The midwife thinks maybe I am not getting enough protein in my diet, or that my allergies are bothering me?? Matt rolls his eyes at all of this, and is thinking about having me come into the hospital sometime and hooking me up to an EKG. Matt said it sounds like SVT to him. The midwife said if increase my protein, and taking allergy meds, and I still keep having episodes to call her and she will order some tests.

    I had my ultrasound and I am measuring right along with my 1st trimester ultrasounds- the tech kept asking if I was sure I was due the 12/21 and not on 12/17. Ooooo 4 day difference! Everything looked great--- the baby has all 10 fingers (dh has a congenital hand defect), no clubfeet, no spina bifida, etc.

    Anyway....... it looks like we have strong Y swimmers as we are having another BOY! Also it seems my husband has yet injected me with another cloning experiment, because it appears I am producing another mini-Matt judging by the profile of the ultrasound-- spitting image of Brigham. :thud:

    When we told Emma, she wasn't exactly thrilled about having another brother. In fact her response was "NO!! It's a girl!" Once I told her she would be able to play trucks, trains and in the dirt with another little friend she seemed to warm up more to the idea.

    Now for names....... :> I have joked this kid will go home unnamed from the hospital. We emailed our friends and family for 3 suggestions. We are thinking we are going to take the high road..... )

    Gas, and 4 kids

  • #2
    Congratulations on another boy! Boy names ARE hard, the only reason we were able to come up with ours is b/c DH felt strongly about passing on his name. My step-SIL and her husband actually went so far as to ask the hospital if they could take their second son home without having named him... Good luck, and I hope the increased protein and allergy meds help with your episodes.

    -Wife of urology attending.
    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


    • #3
      Congratulations!!!!! What wonderful news!!!
      Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


      • #4
        Another boy! How exciting.


        • #5
          Congrats! My sister and her husband left the hospital with their son nameless. We all named him after he came home. This was about 10 years ago....and it didn't seem like a big deal then. I wonder about now? Take it easy, and congrats again!


          • #6
            It's my understanding that it's more complicated somehow if you don't name them before leaving the hospital.

            Which brings me to my favorite baby naming story: Some acquaintances of ours who are famous for procrastinating and being flaky about some things (despite doing very well in their professions--you know, that type, geniuses about some things, inscrutable about others) still hadn't gotten around to naming their baby when it was time to leave the hospital. The nurse was told them why they really should do it now, and I guess there was this long pause while the husband and wife kind of looked at each other in a panic. Then the woman in the next bed shouts out, "How about 'Layla'?" And that's what they named their baby! To a planner like myself this story is mindblowing.

            Now everyone likes to rib them about how at least it's a good thing the woman blurted out a nice name, or their daughter would have been doomed. "How about Zsa Zsa?" "How about Squirrelisha?"

            Congratulations on your boy, Crystal. Make sure you either pick out the name, or get the hospital bed next to someone with good taste.
            Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
            Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

            “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
            Lev Grossman, The Magician King


            • #7
              AHA - Name Stories - a favorite topic of mine:

              my good friend taught kids named lemonjelo and orangejelo (try it w/a "french" accent.

              Indian names provide amazing fodder for name stories. DH's cousin is named (no joke) Hardick (pronounced HAR-DEEK), and another good one is Ashit (pronounced AH-SHEET). DH's name is Jigar (Like Tigger with a J) ... think he got tortured in school?? (He grew up in the US). It is a tricky culture to find acceptable names for people in the US.

              Congratulations Crystal. Y's win in my house, too.


              • #8
                Congrats, Crystal!

                Those name stories crack me up!


                • #9

                  I'm sure that you remember that I'm the daughter of Sperling. Who is called Sperl by his friends and family. What's your dad's name? Squirrel? Is your dad named after that basketball company? (Um, Spaulding? No.) Spiro? No, he was a failed Vice President. Sterling? Nope. and to top it off, his last name and first name (Sperling is the middle name) could all be switched for any other spot. and adding to the mix- my brother and my nephew are the III and IV. But, my brother goes by John and my nephew by Jack.

                  The funniest part is that my brother is a redhead with blue eyes- and he went to register his car when they moved from CA to NJ. and he was nearly arrested because there was a bench warrant for Juan S. Martinez, aka Johnny Martinez, aka Johnny Martin... Of course, he had no way to prove that he wasn't Juan Martinez the felon, so he had to call my mom who had no idea where the birth certificates were and my dad was in Indonesia- she called him at some ungodly hour, found out where they were, FedExed a copy to John in NJ and he was finally able to register his car.

                  The moral to the story is find something a little bit different, but not TOO different.


                  (and I grew up on Doolittle St. "No, Dr. Dolittle is only with one "o". No wonder I'm warped)

                  (and I married a man whose last name is HUSSEY- and I TOOK HIS NAME. now, that's true love, ladies and gentlemen)


                  • #10
                    Those name stories cracked me up. Brigham went home from the hospital unnamed. We were advised that his social security number, and birth certificate paperwork would not be filed until we called and gave them a name. It wasn't too much of a hassle to call the hospital 2 days later and have them write the name on the paperwork.

                    Hopefully that won't happen this time....

                    Gas, and 4 kids


                    • #11
                      Boy names are so hard! Good luck and I hope you find one that you both love. For me, I had to have the names picked out early. I couldn't imagine not having a name when we left the hospital. Anxiety!!
                      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                      • #12
                        That is exciting! We always had trouble with boy names as well. Keep us posted on what you decide!
                        Awake is the new sleep!

