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Passing the Torch

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  • Passing the Torch

    My girls will be 4 and 2 at the end of next month. I just can't believe it! It makes me sad, yet I am so blown away by how much they have changed over the summer. My oldest has grown up so much and learned new things like pumping her legs on the swings and jumping into the swimming pool by herself. Even more, I am amazed at the questions and things she comes up with at times. She is too big for her britches. We are sympatico most of the time which is less stressful for both of us. We enjoy each other now and this is what parenthood is all about.

    My almost two year old has taken the place on the sh@# list. I know her antics are phases and she is testing the waters. Plus she thinks everything is funny so it is hard to get mad at her. She is throwing everything, especially food. I ask her all the time, "Do you throw food?" She replies, "No!". Yet, every meal there is a plate on the floor. I have yet stayed a step ahead of her to remember the splat mat or to stop giving her sauces/condiments and drinkable yogurts. She has also pretty much stopped eating. She used to be the best eater and now she rarely eats. I know this is typical for kids her age.

    She is driving me nuts and I am tired of cleaning up!


  • #2
    If it makes you feel better- Brigham throws huge tantrums and screams particularly when things are not going his way. As he gains more words to express his emotions these antics are becoming less.

    There are times when I think Emma is a teenager trapped in a 3 1/2 yo's body. I will ask her not to do something, and she will look at me and say (with attitude) Whaaat?? Emma used to be a good eater, and thinks if she says she is feeling "sick" she doesn't have to eat dinner.

    I keep telling myself this too shall pass. I am finding these days I am trying to relish in the cute and silly moments, and not focus so much on the "ggrrrrr I brought you into this world I can surely take you out of it" moments.

    Chin up, :~
    Gas, and 4 kids


    • #3
      Maybe you could have your two year old help you clean up her mess, or ask her to do it herself? Obviously she won't do a very good job, but it will teach her that there are consequences to throwing your food on the floor.

      I am right there with you on that one too. My DD throws her food, and thinks it's a game when I have her pick it up, and claps her hands when she throws things in the trash, but I'm hoping it will sink in soon. I also tell her no when I see it happening.

      Good luck. I never had a torch passing. My son is and was the easiest child ever. My daughter was born with an evil gift.
      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.

