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Philadelphia Chickens

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  • Philadelphia Chickens

    Just when I thought one more time through Baby Beluga would send me over the edge, we received Sandra Boyton's Philadelphia Chickens CD and book in the mail as a gift. It's an "imaginary musical review."

    My favorite song is Patty LuPone singing "I Like to Fuss".

    Mostly I am pleasant. Mostly I am good.
    I answer you politely, just as you say I should.
    Yes, mostly I am perfect. You don't hear me complain.
    But after so much sunshine, we need a little rain:

    I like to fuss
    I like to moan
    I like to stand on my chair and say
    Leave me alone!


    I sing this to DD#2 when she is pitching a fit. I don't think it makes her feel any better but it helps me.

  • #2
    Totally love Philly Chickens. Our fav is 'Snuggle Puppy'.

    Other kid-friendly cd's that don't make me want to drive off the road:

    They Might Be Giants: NO (title track: "No means no, no, no, no. If I say no it means 1,000 times NO. Finger pointing, eyebrows low, mouth in the shape of the letter O. Red means STOP, do not go. No, NO, NO!") & Here Come the ABC's
    Laurie Berkner - not sure which one, but it has the songs she has "videos" for on noggin

    We usually listen to Sheryl Crow. The boys love "Soak Up the Sun" and sing all the words. It's a riot.


    • #3
      I haven't heard Philadelphia chickens but I will have to check it out.

      Laurie Berkner is a hero in my house. She can make my screaming, teary-eyed toddler squeal with delight at a mere strum of her guitar. We have all her songs downloaded to our computer and leave babysitters with instructions that include, "the secret weapon is..."

      As you can imagine, we all have these songs memorized. Her CD's are not the same as the Noggin' versions, and aren't as good, IMO. Maybe that's because we heard the Noggin ones first, and like them so much?

      Long Live Laurie Berkner! She is having a music special on Noggin on Monday I think. I'm definitely TiVoing this. Don't you love verbing nouns? Here's a website with more info.
      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


      • #4
        One of DH's partners just gave us Philadelphia Chickens as a gift and my son absolutely loves it!! Whenever he starts to get a little fussy, I pop in the cd and he instantly calms down and listens intently to the lyrics. And he usually falls asleep while we dance to it.

        My favorite is the Snoozin song that the Bacon brothers sing. DH worked overnight last night. When he got home this morning, he played with Andrew and they ended up falling asleep together on the floor while Philadelphia Chickens was playing. I caught their nap on video while the Snoozin song was playing in the background. Too cute!

        We also have Boynton's Rhinoceros Tap which is very good, but we prefer Philly Chickens.


        • #5
          Oooooo, I hate Baby Beluga.

          Sorry, just cringed when I read that in the op. My mom accidentally put that tape in the car player on a road trip we just took and I almost broke the steering wheel off its column when I heard Raffi's voice. Like nails on a chalkboard to me....

          :> Jennifer

          BTW They Might Be Giants ROCKS! I love "Older" especially: "You're older than you've ever been and now you're getting older, and now you're older still..... TIME is marching on! And TIME is still marching on!" Just great to get the kids to sing to their grandmother for her birthday!
          Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
          With fingernails that shine like justice
          And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


          • #6
            I refer to all of "those" (raffi, veggie tales, wee kids, etc.) as "kids music that makes me want to drive off of a bridge. I do NOT play any of that in the car - for everyone's safety.


            • #7
              I will have you guys know I have been singing that damn "Baby Beluga" song off and on ever since I read this post! And I don't even have that CD--somehow I just know that song.
              Awake is the new sleep!


              • #8
                Wow, all this time I thought "Baby Beluga" was just some sort of urban legend. I can't believe that song really exists!


                • #9

                  I love Baby Beluga! Always have. Love most Raffi too, what I can remember of it. (Down by the Bay was his, right?) Man, I'm surprised my SIL still talks to me, I gave her a Raffi tape when my nephew was a toddler. I thought I was doing a good thing!

                  The Simpsons did a whole episode riffing on Raffi.

                  I think my passion for Baby Beluga was tied in with my passion for all whales when I was small. We visited Beluga Point regularly, and went on a humpback sighting cruise when I was about 6.


                  • #10
                    Alison, I listened to lots of Baby Beluga about 18 years ago as it was a favorite of the kids I babysit. I don't mind Raffi so much but I have now listened to it SO much that it drives me batty. DD1 used to want only Day-O by Raffi....

                    If it is your SILs first run through Raffi, she might be ok with it for a while.


                    • #11
                      Yeah, I was actually OK with Raffi for a couple of years.

                      So, it's not Raffi's problem, it's mine.

                      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                      With fingernails that shine like justice
                      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Rapunzel

                        So, it's not Raffi's problem, it's mine.

                        Deep breathing to control the Raffi Rage.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by nmh

                          Deep breathing to control the Raffi Rage.

                          Thanks for making me laugh today!

                          I'm so tempted to put Raffi Rage in my signature now. Hilarious.

                          Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                          With fingernails that shine like justice
                          And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

