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Fake pottying

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  • Fake pottying

    My DD has started to ask to go to the potty, and make the most embarrassing straining noises when she wants to get out of whatever situation she is in- for example when she is doesnt like her meal she will act like she needs to go.

    She stopped wanting to even sit on the potty for a while so I started giving her a teeny piece of sugared ginger ( the only candy type stuff I had in the house!) just if she would sit on it. So now sitting on the potty is great fun.

    We are having good success with #2 but not too much with #1. I know it is a slow process esp when we are starting early (19 m).
    Mom to three wild women.

  • #2
    LOL. All I can say is they will eventually get potty trained. Mine both went off to college 100% trained. Just don't make it a battleground, they are really smart. You only have a batleground if you allow it.
    P.S. Wish I had followed my own advice 20 years ago.
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      Ethan went poo on the potty for the first time (well, for me anyway--he went for the very first time for his FATHER!) on Monday. He's pretty good at telling me that he needs to go...but we don't always make it in time.

      However, now he's OBSESSED with the potty, but he calls it Poo-Poo. So anytime someone leaves the room, he asks, "Poo Poo?" very loudly. If he has to go, it's "POO POO! POO POO! MAMA! POO POO!" He also tries to point out where poo comes from on himself and others. I don't know how to tell an almost two-year old that it's not polite to do that without him thinking that going poo is a bad thing. Eek!


      • #4
        My 19 mo is obsessed with poop. Where it comes from, her poop, the tiolet, the dogs poop in the yard, goose poop in the park....I think it is pretty normal.

        Keep at it, Suwannee! This reminds me that I have to get her a potty. She will not sit on the big toilet.


        • #5
          I just let Keelin run around the house naked sometimes to get used to thinking about the potty. She calls it "Neh-kit time" She is still too freaked out to pee/poo on her potty so she grabs a diaper and tries to put it on when she has to go. Oh well....she'll be two next least she's showing some interest.


          • #6
            Marla -- I think it is good that she knows before she will pee/poop. That is step in the right direction!

