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anyone else have a nudist?

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  • anyone else have a nudist?

    Man, this boy hates clothes! I think it's because they weren't allowed EVER to be naked (and really, Perm Russia is considered the "Gateway to Siberia" so it is umm, chilly there)But NOW, here in lovely DC where it's in the 80's and this kid refuses everything. Diapers, t-shirts, jammies- you name it.

    I really don't care, I believe that clothes are pretty overrated, myself. But, it might be problematic in January. Anyone else have this 'problem'? (and he's been wearing nothing but his diaper for most of the last two days!)


  • #2
    Wait until he figures out how to take off his diaper!

    They do grow out of it -- my daughter is very excited about what she will wear the first day of kindergarten. For a while there I was wondering....during most of the video of her first birthday she is in her birthday suit.


    • #3
      DD is definitely a nudist. She takes everything off (diaper included) by herself. I've actually turned around for a second in the grocery store, only to find her without a shirt when I turn back. I can't blame her either, especially with the diaper. Who would want to sit in a diaper all day, especially if you knew how to take it off? I'm sure she will grow out of it, but I'm completely fine with it for now.


      • #4
        DS# 1 pretty much hates clothes. He wears a pull up to sleep - nothing else. During the day if I tell him he needs to put clothes on he says "are we going somewhere?"

        During my IL's visit they were SO against this (it's not like India is a place where showing skin is verbotten, so I don't get their disapproval). I drew the line when, RIGHT AFTER BATH my FIL was saying "naked boy - you should be ashamed, put some clothes on."

        I said "what's he got to be ashamed about? he's beautiful!".

        Boy - the IL's just get under your skin for days and days and days ....


        • #5
          Both mine were complete nudists until around 5. When they entered the house, they stripped down. I kept waiting for some sense of modesty to kick in, but eventually I had to end the reign of skin and set rules about wearing underwear when in groups. Nudity was still acceptable in private. Even that was hard to enforce. Unbelievable. Now my oldest (9), is fascinated with the show Survivor -- he can't wait to see reruns with "Naked Richard" from the first show. He's amazed that nudity could be a game winning strategy.
          Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
          Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

          "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


          • #6
            We are another in the 'nudist-loving' category in our household of little ones. They go in cycles. Yesterday DS ran around 90% of the day naked. Today... they got on their snow pants and went outside to 'play in the Christmas snow'... hmmm, maybe we did move to the right state after all .

            Jen B.


            • #7
              Originally posted by j3qpatel
              DS# 1 pretty much hates clothes. He wears a pull up to sleep - nothing else. During the day if I tell him he needs to put clothes on he says "are we going somewhere?"
              That sounds familiar! Because why would you put on clothes otherwise?

