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Where babies come from

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  • Where babies come from

    Last night I gave a quick ride home from a friend's house to a very pregnant woman. When she got out of the car, my boys asked why we'd driven that lady home (she is my friend's friend, I've only met her twice). I explained that she is about to have a baby and that makes mommies very tired so it was a nice thing for us to do.

    I should have said "because she asked".

    Jacob spent the rest of the ride home (30 minutes) asking how the baby got in her tummy, how it gets out of her tummy, etc. I said "babies grow in mommy's belly" and, he, abosolutely horrifed said "She ATE the baby?" Then I tried to explain that the baby isn't really in her belly, but the uterus .... it's just not going well. He's 4 and quite prone to repeating everything he's told -- and I don't necessarily want him walking around spouting terms everywhere. I tried the "just answer him, they rarely want more than a simple response." but he seems to be in it for the long haul.


  • #2
    No advice, just glad it was you and not me! I can't wait for that conversation, plus the added fun of including the fact that he DIDN'T grow in mommy's tummy...

    Maybe I AM glad he doesn't have a ton of words yet!



    • #3
      We've had that conversation here. Tres awkward. I went the biology route. I think me son understands now (he's 9) but now we are getting more fun questions like "Mom - What's a used condom?" (I kid you not - he overheard it from a sixth grader who found one in a parking lot.) I know it is best to seize the moment and have everyday conversations rather than lecture one time. Still .

      I had a friend once who worked with child abuse victims. She made certain her children were well informed. Even so, I think she was highly embarassed when her 5 year old told the lady at the grocery store "This is my vagina and nobody can touch it unless I say so!" Ah - way to go, kid??
      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


      • #4
        Andrew (10) asked me recently to tell him HOW babies were made. I said what I've been saying...sperm and egg, etc etc

        "No, Mom...HOW does the sperm get to the egg?"

        "It swims there."

        " does it get from the man to the woman. Just spit it out mom" my best mother moment I tried to calmly tell him HOW babies are made using the anatomically correct terms. His eyes got huge and I became embarassed. Then we both sat and laughed hysterically.
        After it was all over, he said "That's disgusting. I thought you were going to tell me that the man and wife just wiggle their backs together or something. I wish you hadn't told me that."

        That's NOT how I imagined THE TALK going.

        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #5
          This is a great thread!!

          We have recently had the discussion of how the babies get out....although, we haven't gone into depth of body parts. Although, Drew has been known to spout out about the touching of his penis by only Mom, Dad and the Dr.
          Drew (5yo) was concerned that the mom had to have surgery to get every baby out, as we have just had a cousin born by C-section. That was a fun one...but those darn kids will keep you jumping!


          • #6
            My best friend and I have sort of struggled with the naming of the parts thing. Since Keelin loves to check herself out in the tub while laughing hysterically , I just went ahead and called it what it is "Keelin's vagina". I have no idea why, but my friend used a rather derogatory term (IMHO)...."coochie" (yuck!), and her daughter says it very clearly, apparently. I'm glad I went with the actual is, after all, sort of difficult for a little person to say well! I'm sure that will change soon, though.


            • #7
              Hilarious story here:

              So, my friend's bosses daughter used to fondle herself, let's say. and not always with clean hands. Eventually ended up giving herself a yeast infection. How did she tell her mom that things weren't right?

              "Mommy, my 'gina feels spicy."

              I have rarely laughed as hard as I did when my friend called me from work- she was crying she was laughing so hard.


              PS: and if you've ever had a yeast infection, you know EXACTLY what she meant!


              • #8
                So we've been watching TLC's A Baby Story every couple of weeks. Emma knows there is a baby boy growing inside of me. It's interesting to see her level of understanding especially after watching Baby Story a few times.... Here are the favorite one liners in our home, she came up with these all on her own

                - "Babies come out all icky and gooey, mommy. They look like they are covered with cheese."
                - "Babies either get cut out of mommy's tummies or the mommy pushes it out. Mommy will they cut your belly or will you push? (I have told her I will be pushing the baby out)

                Our favorite topic lately has been breastfeeding. I have told her that baby brother will eat special mommy's milk. She tends to look at my chest, then look at me, and then at my chest then me, and then starts laughing hysterically. She replies "Mommy that's silly you aren't a cow!" (Maybe I should remember that when I breastfeeding every 2 hours and feel like one those first few weeks)

                Gas, and 4 kids


                • #9
                  I've heard you should say "how do you think the baby got there" or something like that to figure out what kind of information they are really looking for. We've had some interesting talks as well, one where I went into more detail than necessary and come to find out she really just wanted to know if we went to the hospital to have the baby or not.
                  I have a friend whose daughter calls her private parts "my China". My daughter heard her referring to her "China", asked me what it was, and me not knowing what she was talking about really confused her by telling her it was a country in Asia.
                  My middle child really believes they cut open my stomach and took the baby out, and while I didn't have a C-section, I'm going with that story for now.
                  Awake is the new sleep!

