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The whirlwind of 2

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  • The whirlwind of 2

    Holy Moly...someone slap me! I had totally forgotten what a little cyclone a 2 year old can be! In the last week, my angel has gouged our newly refinished wood floor with a black ball point pen (the ink of course bled into the wood and we're having to pay a pretty penny to have it repaired ) , escaped out of every door, climbed up onto the top bunk of his brother's bunkbed and basically...left a path of destruction behind him. When he walks by chairs he has to tip them over...leave a can of pop laying on the sofa table? Gone...he tips it right onto the floor.

    I'm exhausted from chasing this little dude!

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    Oh Kris! I can relate! Our baby turns 2 on Tuesday and as I am mourning her infancy I am amazed at her tenacity. Right now she is into throwing her doll in any liquid substance particularly the toilet, tearing out heating registers on the floor and doing the exact opposite that I want her to. Also she has become the class bully in her mom and me gymnastics class. None of the moms will talk to me as they are mostly first timers and don't understand why my child would touch their precious babies. (I don't let her get away with it and I follow her like a hawk, yet she manages).

    However, she is still my little cuddle bug and I can't believe she is growing up. Ella keeps insisting she is 4yo because her sister's turned 4 yo yesterday.



    • #3
      I swear Henry is adding 6 months to my age for every month he ages :!


      • #4
        UGH! It's such a wonderful, awful time! We returned from our trip to FL and the temper tantrums have started. So far, two public outbursts: One in Best Buy (it wasn't too bad) and the other in Barnes and Noble (Involved me chasing her through the store while she pulled greeting cards off the rack We left with her in my arms kicking and screaming!!!! :!


        • #5
          third trip to the ER today. This time for a deepish 1/2" long lac on his scalp. He ran away from me, straight into the corner of the butcher block table. He got glued. Didn't phase him a bit. Mom, however, missed the door to the walk in area and proceeded to freak out because the arrow had most definitley pointed that way. They have a huge arrow pointing to a tiny door


          • #6
            Tell me about it....the only thing that keeps me from going crazy is seeing DH with her after a few hours with his hands in his hair and saying "oh, Anna!". She can now move the chairs from the little play table to aid in her destruction (er, I mean exploration and learning). Nothing is safe.


            • #7
              I'm so glad I'm not alone! It sure does keep things busy, doesn't it!!!

              We also have no way of keeping him in bed anymore. He can climb out of everything and he has no 'safe' space that we can..errrr...lock him into. I was hoping to already be moved into the new house by now, where he'll have his own little room. I figured I could make it bare bones with nothing that he can get hurt with and then just double baby gate the doors so he's not running out every 2 minutes.

              As it is, this child runs out of the bedroom constantly. I can't leave him alone because he is sharing with his brothers and there's too much 'stuff' for him to get into.

              He was such a GREAT sleeper and now....we're going to have to start all over when we move.


              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

