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Pumping ideas -

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  • Pumping ideas -

    Hey - I have a 'pumping' question. I am trying to pump to build up a milk supply for the end of October when I leave for four days (and leave DH home ALONE with ALL THREE kids!!! The first time EVER!! ).
    Our first plan was to have me take the baby (7 months), since I am still nursing - and I thought it would be no problem since I am in an occupation that is 98% women who PROMOTE BREASTFEEDING (Dietitians). Well, come to find out there IS a problem. They won't let me take the baby into ANY of the meeting rooms... but they 'do supply a nursing room' for in-between sessions for nursing moms... hmmm - at a national convention where the majority of the people fly in or travel long distance - is there a CHECK IN for the babies for the sessions??!!
    But I digress... (that is the topic of a whole new soap box for me... I'm tempted to take my baby and stand up *while nursing * in the front of every session and say, "Why not practice what we preach and make breastfeeding feasible for ALL women??!" Okay, I'll get off my soap box now )...
    So here I am religiously trying to pump every night to have a good supply built up for DH. The only problem is that I get next to NOTHING from pumping. I just finished pumping for 45 minutes and barely eeked out 1 ounce . I know that I get more when I am nursing (I can feel the let down and hear baby gulping trying to keep up with it all), but pumping is a whole different issue.
    Have any of you pumped before? Do you have any good tips or secrets that helped you get more while pumping? I only have 4 weeks left to build this up before I leave, and I can't take ANY chances of having to stay here, (partly because I CAN'T WAIT to see how DH fares alone with the kiddos ).
    Thank you in advance for any help or hints that you have!

    Jen B.

  • #2
    I can't believe they say no babies! Here, have a step stool for that soapbox.

    I pumped one breast while nursing the other. Pumping with the baby in the room also helps ime.

    Also, make sure you are drinking lots of fluids.
    Taking a warm shower beforehand might help.

    What pump do you have? I have the Isis hand pump, and have used the medela hosptial one.


    • #3
      I usually seem to get quite a bit more when I pump on one side while feeding DS on the other.


      • #4
        Try to pump in the morning in between the first morning feeding and the next, your supply might be better then.

        I had to wait a little longer for the let-down and would try closing my eyes and picture the baby nursing. That usually helped. I was able to do it for months that way.

        Good luck!


        • #5
          If I'm pumping at work, I look at pictures of her first and then try to relax and picture her nursing.....and then I read a book (I figure if I'm sitting there for 20 minutes 3x a day I might as well take advantage!)

          If I'm pumping at home, I either pump next to her and try to get her to be cute (ie - not crying) or I go into a room alone and think about being a mom and how much it means to me.....or read. And I wait about an hour after I feed her to pump.
          Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.


          • #6
            Wow...that's really crazy that they won't let you take her with and nurse her! Like you, I'd be tempted to nurse in the middle of the meetings :> . Barring being the rebel and whipping it out during the conferences...I don't have much advice. I have trouble pumping too. I've tried electric pumps, manual pumps. warm showers and trying to visualize 'let-down'. Nothing seems to help. I know that when I was nursing that I was producing plenty of milk...I was able to feel the let-down and baby was happy......

            It was suggested to me to try putting warm packs on the 'milkie's before trying to might try that?

            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

