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  • Teething?

    For the last few nights my little guy has not been able to fall asleep without a pacifier. He hasn't needed a paci in the past and I don't really want him to become dependent on one to fall asleep. Now, however, if I don't give him a paci when I put him to bed, he'll try to grab my hand, shove it in his mouth, and chew on it and if I take it away he cries. And for the last couple of nights he hasn't been sleeping as well....waking up every 3-4 hours. I know it's a little early (he's just over 3 months), but could he be teething already? He has started to drool a lot and bites on his hands/fingers, and any toy he can fit in his mouth, all day long. He has also been somewhat fussy during feedings. I don't know if this is teething or just because he recently mastered holding things and putting them in his mouth. Any advice from the pros?

  • #2
    I've heard of lots of people who think their kids are teething at that age and then when they have the pediatrician look in their mouth they're told that teeth are nowhere in sight. I think it's probably a combo of a developmental stage plus growth spurt.

    My kids never used a pacifier (aside from me, the human one), and I almost wish they had. I've heard lots of people say "at least you can take a pacifier away from them" (rather than a thumb).

    I gave no advice here, other than to say I think it's a pain, but probably normal. Sorry! I was no help!


    • #3
      Thanks for the quick advice, ladies! Andrew gnaws on everything he can get his hands on! I checked his mouth and couldn't see any teeth. He has always been a big "sucker" (has used a pacifier since he was born and sucks his thumb now that he has figured out how to get it in his mouth), but now it seems like he is chewing more than sucking. I don't mind him having a paci during the day, but at night he wakes up and panics as soon as it falls out of his mouth. Tonight I tried pulling out the paci just before he hit la la land and he seems to be sleeping a little better. I'm really hoping it isn't teeth....I'm afraid of how nursing will go once he has a few chompers...yikes!


      • #4
        I think it could be teeth, DD got her bottom two at 3 months. And don't a lot of babies go through a spurt where they really need to suck? I don't remember the age, though, just someone telling me about it.

        As far as nursing a baby with teeth, I found that it wasn't that bad until DD had top AND bottom teeth. She bit me once so hard she broke the skin on both sides and gave me a bruise. I think my yelp scared her enough on its own, and she didn't bite me again. Still, even that wasn't as bad as those first few days of nursing.


        • #5
          Maybe it's just a stage with your little one needing a little more sucking at night to soothe himself and relax. I remember my DD needing the paci occasionally when she was younger but she hasn't used it in ages. If it seems to work for now then go for it! It's true that sometimes they will wake up when they accidently let the paci fall out...I guess that's the drawback. My husband's aunt tells a funny story about how her little one had several pacis in his crib so there would always be one available - I imagine the kid swimming in a sea of pacifers! Too funny.

          Not that I'm a pro at all, but it seems like little ones go through so many different stages...I try to do different things and see what works best. Good luck!


          • #6
            How is it going? Maybe your son is teething. I remember my older daugther starting to drool a lot at 4 months. Her first teeth came at 6 months. Is it possible that your son has just discovered his mouth and is testing putting things in it? We offered both our girls binkies early on and the first used it for a long time and our second opted for her fingers at 4 months. She will be the one sucking on her fingers in 1st and 2nd grade. She sucks her pinky and ring finger so we have lots of pictures of her making a peace sign on her cheek while her other fingers are in her mouth.



            • #7
              Andrew did a little better last night. He fell asleep about 30 seconds after I put him to bed := but he still woke up 2 or 3 times during the night :thud: (although at least that's a bit of an improvement over the previous nights). I have noticed that he hasn't been chewing on things as much in the last day or he's just licking everything (including the cat!) Maybe the novelty of chewing on everything has worn off a little. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he'll sleep through the night tonight (one can hope, right??) Boy, I don't know how I managed in those first few weeks when he had me up all night long!


              • #8
                Exploring the world with his tongue! Teeth might be part of it too. My oldest got her first tooth at 5 months and was having symptoms for a while before. Have you tried a dose of tylenol before bed?

