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What an appointment....(pregnancy vent)

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  • #16
    Chris, nice to see you here, how are you doiing?
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #17
      Crystal --

      DH agrees with the 39 weeks rule, but at least he is sympathetic about the scheduling conflicts!! Don't you have family somewhere nearby? Are they helpful? Maybe they could come and stay during the week you might deliver if Matt won't be around? That's great about Christmas!
      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


      • #18

        Family would come and help, BUT Matt's family is in Wyoming, and the roads are horrible that time of year, and my mom just started a new job and doesn't get any time off until April. And again the roads might be a problem between here and Salt Lake City.

        Matt has been a sweetheart- he's been brainstorming- coming up with ideas like hiring a nanny or having a home health nurse come in. I am not so sure. I have gotten over the disappointment and back into the "med/residency" mode of "Ok, I've got to suck it up, move on, everything will work out, because the only way things will get done is if I do it."

        Matt has a business meeting tomorrow to discuss next year's vacation schedule. I think he is going to ask if anyone would be willing to trade vacation weeks with him. The partner in charge of scheduling seems to be fairly sympathetic that we are having a baby, hence didn't schedule Matt for Christmas. It will be interesting to see what the December schedule looks like. I think all but 2 partners have children in the group, so I am hopeful that they will be helpful in regards to Matt's schedule. We'll see...... I have definitely gone into planning mode- starting to come up with a list of neighbors or people at church who would be willing to look after the kids during the delivery. I don't know why I am so worried- this is how it worked out with Brigham- I guess blame it on pregnancy hormones.

        I am realizing I need to sit back and breath, and that everything will be OK.

        Gas, and 4 kids


        • #19
          Good luck on the scheduling meeting and I think the Christmas day off is a nice piece of good news.

          About hiring a nanny....have you found a babysitter you like? Anyone from their preschool program you like? If your kids (and you) can get used to someone now, it might be nice to have some scheduled time with her after the baby arrives. The late afternoon and early evening at our house is sometimes dreadful (happy hour!) and I think that would be a great time to have some help. Is there a certain time of day that you could use a hand?


          • #20
            Is there a certain time of day that you could use a hand?
            Not any that I can think of.

            The vacation schedule meeting went well. I think Matt got all of the week's of vacation he wanted to get. He asked for a week in January, which will be shortly after the baby will be born.

            We could switch the kids to full time at the preschool, but I would prefer not to do that. It's going to be one of those things that until we all get used to having another baby in the house we are going to just have to take one day at a time. A couple of our neighbors have offered to take the kids if I need a break. I think I am going to take them up on it when the time comes.

            I don't know about you guys but residency has made me stand-offish about asking for help. I will accept help, just have a hard time asking for it.

            Gas, and 4 kids


            • #21
              I can sympathize. I know I have this pathological need to form a support network quickly whenever we move. I always get the vapors trying to figure out who will take care of my kids if the car breaks down or I'm in an accident somewhere. Having a baby --well, that's just going to happen and you just can't be the one taking care of the kids the whole time that's going on! I hope you will be successful finding a few support people in the area over the next month or two. Having a plan in place for your kids would make things a lot less stressful I'm sure.

              With my #2, I was induced (DS was huge, so they induced early for size -as well as convenience ). I know I was relieved because DH could stay with my son until daybreak and my son could go play with a good friend during the day while I delivered. Honestly, my worries were more focused on getting him cared for appropriately in my absence than my own delivery. I think that's a side effect of doing everything in the family and moving constantly to new environments. I think it makes med spouses into women of steel .... for better or worse. I feel for you Crystal. Are you making good friends through your church that could watch the kids if you go into labor unexpectedly? Or could you get Matt home to take care of things? I'd want a few people "on call" during your possible delivery weeks. At least this is your third, so your delivery should be quicker and less complicated.
              Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
              Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

              "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

