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Rain, rain go away...

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  • Rain, rain go away...

    Ok, so perhaps I'm not grateful that we're getting enough rain in two days to end the month long drought. But, after spending literally 24/7 with a 18 month old for the last 6 weeks, I've had it. He's clingy, I'm tired, we're both bored and we can't go outside. Actually, I contemplated going to the park anyway, but the thought of cleaning up mud depresses me. My beloved spouse, the Senior Child Neurology Fellow is at the hospital doing in house call for the Adult Neurology Dept. Why? Well, that part is somewhat murky since they were told 1) child neurology doesn't cover adult neurology in-house 2) Senior fellows don't have to take in-house call and 3) He's already doing adult neurology service this month and has therefore worked from 5:30am until 9:30pm everyday. 8o hours a week my ass. Plus, he got to escape from his mother's house last week for two days and a night for a conference. I got to sleep in the lumpy bed in the unairconditioned mobile home with a teething toddler.

    So, I've put the kid in with his toys, I have elmo on the TV and I'm hiding in the office. He's perfectly happy playing as long as I'm not in the room. Once I go in the room he's glommed onto my body like another appendage.

    If I can hang in there until tomorrow, I get to escape to a Bridal shower for my room-mate from college. It's girly, it's a tea house, but it's AWAY.


  • #2
    Can't offer anything but sympathy for the hospital stuff.

    But, I would have gone insane with Tim when he was a toddler without the Children's Museum, the playland at the mall and toddler story time at the public library.


    • #3
      Sorry about all the rain! I know it is frustrating being cooped up inside! I am not looking forward to the winter months because my kids love being outside. We frequent the library, children's museum and the mall when it gets yucky out. My two year old loves to run through the mall and it wears her out at the same time.
      Sending sunshine your way!



      • #4
        Oh, yeah! We're getting reminded that we live in Portland! I got into an outside activity rut and need to move it indoors.


        • #5
          It's supposed to rain all week here...and I can see my walks to the park have already decreased with the cooler weather. I need to be more determined, I think - DB has a very nice rain cover for her stroller and I have a rain jacket. We won't melt! Sigh. I'm afraid of the winter. That reminds me - I think I'm going to sign up for a Gymboree class.


          • #6
            Stinks about the weather...I hope the bridal shower was fun!!!!!

            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

