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random insignificant questions about kids

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  • random insignificant questions about kids

    1. Is there a difference between size 5t and 5? Sometimes they both fit and sometimes they don't.

    2. When do baby girls outgrow the wispy trailer trash hair and stubby growth on the back of their heads from where they sleep?

    3. How do you get a toddler to keep their shoes and/or socks on? (realize that it is 40 degrees or less here).

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    Re: random insignificant questions about kids

    Originally posted by kmbsjbcgb
    1. Is there a difference between size 5t and 5? Sometimes they both fit and sometimes they don't.

    2. When do baby girls outgrow the wispy trailer trash hair and stubby growth on the back of their heads from where they sleep?

    3. How do you get a toddler to keep their shoes and/or socks on? (realize that it is 40 degrees or less here).
    1. Yes. Just as there is a diffence between 24 mos. and 2T. 5's are built for a leaner kid body with a long torso, as opposed to the toddler build. They are close though. I would go with what works. In the meantime, it is a pain. I never used the 5T's at all and went straight from 4T's to 4's. That could be because my son was stick-thin though. ???

    2. My little girl has a mullet. Sigh. It is really curly in the back, and so she gets away with it. THe heair on her sides isn't nearly as long though. I do not want to cut off all of the back of her hair to even it it out though. For the most part, it doesn't look like a mullet, but everytime I wash her hair, it shocks me how long the back is in relation to the sides. Sigh.

    3. You don't. It is a losing battle. Pack them with you, but don't force it. Eventually they will learn their toes are less frigid with socks and shoes on. Force the toddler to wear them if necessary, but otherwise let it go.
    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


    • #3
      1. I don't know. I'm as stumped as you. I used to think that the size had some difference to allow extra room for diapers (I thought it was the T). But how many 5 year olds wear diapers during the day?

      2. Wispy hair here too. Looks like she is trying for dreads in the back. It was around 2 yo with the first wispy curly-haired child.

      3. Have you tried Robeez? If she is determined to take them off....I think she will have cold feet until she realizes they keep her warm or finds a better distraction.


      • #4
        1. What everyone else said

        2. DD#2 has a mullet too. She has never had a haircut at two years of age because I am afraid to let anyone screw it up with all her colics.

        3. When you find out let me know!



        • #5
          My daughter had a mullet until she was about 4 years old!!! I waited and waited for that darn hair to come in and it took forever! Luckily, dd#2 has beautiful curls so it kind of masks the "mullet" look.
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            1. I think sizing is insane, any way you look at it. My 7 month old is now in 18 month clothes - the older kids wore 24 month and 2T interchangably. Personally, I think it's a marketing ploy to get people to think they have to buy outfits in every stage as the kids grow.

            2. I still look at my 3 yo DD's hair in hopeful aspirations of getting to do all of the fun braids, curls, etc. But instead, we only end up with a teeny,tiny pony tail, that falls out 10 minutes after I put it in. (My neice, who is 5 with the same hair type and who wants long thick hair SO BADLY, told "I want to have long hair like a princess. But you have to eat all of your broccoli to get long hair and I just don't like broccoli... *sigh* I guess I'll never be a princess with long hair..." I had to laugh at my brothers ploy to try to get her to eat her broccoli.)

            3. I just leave our shoes and socks in the car and put them on whenever we get to where we are going. It gets just a WEE bit frustrating when we are running errands and from one stop to the next (within minutes!) I look back at four little bare feet in the back .

            Sorry - not much help from this end - just a lot of empathy!

            Jen B.


            • #7
              Originally posted by twinsmom
              1. I think sizing is insane, any way you look at it. My 7 month old is not in 18 month clothes - the older kids wore 24 month and 2T interchangably. Personally, I think it's a marketing ploy to get people to think they have to by outfits in every stage as the kids grow.
              I agree!!!!!!!!! Why aren't clothes also sized by cm or inches instead of by age? None of my children were ever wearing the right size for their becomes so difficult to shop!

              There are so many marketing ploys.....For example, I would suggest that no one ever buy newborn size...or at least not very much of it...the babies are out of those in a matter of weeks. Maybe I'm cheap :> but I always try and buy clothes with longetivity in mind. I have taken newborns home in size 3 months clothing with the sleeves rolled and socks over the bottoms to keep them from falling off their feet. Why spend more if you don't have to?

              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


              • #8
                1. Is there a difference between size 5t and 5? Sometimes they both fit and sometimes they don't.
                Sizes can be such a joke. It all depends on the brand. DD currently wears clothes of all sizes between 2T and 4.

                2. When do baby girls outgrow the wispy trailer trash hair and stubby growth on the back of their heads from where they sleep?
                DD was born with a serious mop of hair and none of it fell out. She outgrew the wispy stuff by about five months, because that's when I gave her her first haircut. As soon as I cut off all those baby-fine ends, her hair behaved much better. Now she has the the same 'kind' of hair that her dad does, straight and thick. I keep it cut to just below her shoulders, but she won't let me do anything with it. So I guess my advise would be to trim it and see what happens.

                3. How do you get a toddler to keep their shoes and/or socks on?
                I agree with everyone else: you don't.

