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Getting Ready for Baby

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  • Getting Ready for Baby

    I am now 36 weeks. The time just flew. My friends and my mom had a surprise baby shower for me this weekend in NY at my mom's We had a blast. My family and friends travelled from Illinois, Atlanta, California, Canada, DC all over to be there. It was really special. We could barely fit all the stuff we got into the car for our trip back to PA. There is just so much to do now. I haven't packed my hospital bag yet and we haven't started on the baby's room as yet. So we are hoping to get her room organized this weekend. My husband is also getting ready for Step 3. Great timing! Any tips on getting ready for baby?

  • #2
    That is so fantastic that all those folks came so far for you!

    IMO only a few things MUST be done before baby.

    1. have somewhere for baby to sleep, be it your bed, a bassinet, a carriage, crib or play yard.
    2. Have diapers and baby washcloths or newborn wipeson hand.
    3. Have a lot of super strength maxipads on hand
    4. Make sure all the newborn and S size stuff is washed
    5. Its easier to have DH paint the room before the baby comes.
    6. Install the carseat/base BEFORE the baby comes and find out which local Fire dept does carseat checks to make sure its installed properly because the nurse will check it before you can put the baby in the car.


    • #3
      It sounds like you had a wonderful shower. I love surprises!! Here are my tips:

      1) Prepare several meals ahead of time and freeze them. And if any of your friends offer to bring over a meal, take them up on their offer. If it wasn't for our friends, we would have starved during those first couple of weeks after the baby was born.

      2) Stock up on snack foods (yogurt, trail mix, etc....) for the times when you are too busy or too exhausted to eat a real meal.

      3) Go out to your favorite restaurant with your husband before the baby arrives.

      4) SLEEP NOW!!!

      5) Enjoy these last few weeks of your pregnancy. This is such a special time and it really will fly by!


      • #4
        I agree with everything posted...

        The only other thing I would add to have on hand along with the maxi-pads- It's nice to have these things on hand rather than having dh run to the day you come home.

        -- Colace- it makes that first bm so much easier after having the baby
        -- Tucks pads
        -- Nice big jug to put water in and carry around with you
        -- Get a can of Dermoplast, you can buy it OTC. It was one of my best friends after having my first, along with the little squirt bottle the hospital gave me. Nice to have if any tearing or episiotomies are involved.
        -- Tylenol

        Rest before the baby comes

        Install the car seat

        Freeze a couple of meals. I am getting ready to do this in the next month myself to start gearing up for #3 to come.
        Gas, and 4 kids


        • #5
          Definitely the squirt bottle. One for every bathroom in the house. Didn't we have this conversation once.? Besto of luck to you.
          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


          • #6
            I agree about installing the car seat. DH and my uncle were frantically trying to figure it out while I was in the wheelchair holding DD in the parking lot while the nurse's aide was freaking out about it being too cold out for the baby. I had the clothes washed two months in advance, why I never thought about the car seat is beyond me.
            Mom to three wild women.


            • #7
              go see a movie. or several.
              Enabler of DW and 5 kids
              Let's go Mets!


              • #8
                Let me first shudder at the squirt bottle reference -- you definitely will need them, great suggestion but.... ISH!!!!!!

                All GREAT suggestions so far. I would add you should have breast pads for leaking if you plan on breast feeding. Some women leak a great deal in the beginning. IBUPROFIN!!!! (when you are out of narcotics!)

                A stroller for getting out on short walks/outings with baby.

                Keep in mind that birth is really hard physically so if you want visitors OR NOT it's up to YOU!!!! People will uderstand. Don't do things for at least a week unless you really want to. I felt SO HORRIBLE after my daughter was born -- and I was pretty surprised --- I'm not sure why I was surprised but I was. I think I (arrogantly) felt I was tougher than most women and therefore would bounce back faster. Well all births are different and mine was HARD and knocked some sense into me. I could barely walk for three days and needed help to shower for the first week. A humbling and wonderful experience all at the same time. So, cut yourself some slack and go with the flow!!!

                An early congrats and yippee!! This is a special time!

                Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                • #9
                  If you have a caesarian, watch funny movies. The laughing works just as well as the fake coughing and is more enjoyable.


                  • #10
                    My tips to add to this great list:

                    1. Get something to hold the baby safely around the house when you can't - a baby seat, a front carrier or sling or a bassinet/playpen you can move. I was so surprised with my first when I realized having a baby is not a "hands-free" occupation. You need your hands sometimes. Showers are nice every now and then, too. I didn't always want to put him in the crib just to get a package at the door.

                    2, If you are nursing, set up a "nursing station" with a drink, a phone, some books/radio/TV remote, burp cloths, etc. You will be spending a lot of time there. I always went out and bought a stash of mysteries to keep near my nursing chair. (And definitely bring a phone nearby. It killed me to have to get up, unsettle the baby and try to find the phone when nursing!)
                    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                    • #11
                      That's a great tip, Angie, about the nursing station. During the first 3 weeks or so I spent about 14 hours a day nursing. It really helped having some food and magazines within my reach.

                      Oh, yes...the peri bottle. I was soooooo happy when I was able to finally toss mine out! You may want to check with your hospital to see if they will send you home with a stash of Colace, Dermaplast, pain meds so that you don't have to buy them....mine gave me about a week's worth.


                      • #12
                        Didn't give birth but I can tell you that many of the issues are the same! Definitely go out to eat at your favorite restaurant and see some movies. We haven't been to the movies since before we left for Russia. (April '05)

                        Since we're heading into colder weather, I have slipper socks with rubber soles all over my house. But I won't wear anything on my feet other than real shoes if I'm carrying the dude on the steps- (after I fell, I'm totally paranoid).

                        Do as much laundry as you can. You will be amazed at the amount of laundry one little person adds. We went from two loads once a week, to five loads a week- clothes, towels, sheets, it's amazing.

                        We found the best thing to help Nikolai sleep those first weeks home were classical music lullaby cds. In fact, we use them every night and it's great. Helps drown out the sounds of the house and it's soothing for everyone.

                        Get yourself a new pair of walking or running shoes. Your feet are bigger and when you do want to leave the house, you don't want to get sidelined halfway down the street because your shoes don't fit anymore.

                        Good luck-


