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Gray hairs and the kid isn't even born yet....

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  • Gray hairs and the kid isn't even born yet....

    So I had my 31 week appt today. I am up *gasp* 6 lbs in 2 weeks, for a grand total of 33 lbs. I don't think I will hit the 50 lbs mark like I did with Emma, but I feel like I am retaining a bit of water, and probably will lose a good chunk of the weight within the first week postpartum. Needless to say, I am realizing I need to exercise during pregnancy, and laying off of the Halloween candy might help too. I measured about 32 weeks, no worries there- so far I don't feel like this baby is going to be bigger than my other two- most likely about the same size- high 7's low 8's-- Emma was 7#12, and Brigham 7#14.

    So back to the "gray hairs and the kid isn't even born yet..." We went to Portland last weekend, had some spotting on Saturday while I was at a meeting. It was really minor so I told Matt and then brushed it aside. I brought it up at the appointment, well the nurse said my OB would want to check just be on the safe side, so I had to disrobe waist down. Well as I am sitting there with Matt and Brigham, I went to reposition myself on the exam table, and found I was sitting in a little puddle. Matt gets the nurse, and she comes back and says "Well we were going to have you reschedule because your OB just got called to a stat C-section, but because it looks like your water has broken-- we'll have one of the other docs look at you."

    The exam went well--- water wasn't broken, (whew!!!), I am not dilating. This really would have been the worst day for anything like this to happen as Matt is the overnight person tonight. After the appointment we walked over to the hospital to do a tour of L&D, and found out there are no rooms available. Matt made the comment "Well it looks like I will be making my money tonight doing OB." Apparently the entire month of October has been like that, and November is another busy delivery month for the hospital as well. Hmmm....looks like January and February are popular months to get busy in Idaho.

    Anyway talk about aging, and it made us realize we need to start putting together our "in the event something happens" list.

    Feeling tired, having BH, and almost ready to be done--- I say almost ready, because I still have to paint the baby's room, buy the bedding, wash the clothes, put together my hospital bag and buy another car seat.

    Gas, and 4 kids

  • #2
    Oh, Crystal! That would be turning my hair gray, too. Take care of yourself and stick to the bare minimum. Haha, I know, easier said than done.

    btw, it doesn't look like you have gained 33 lbs. Must be water.


    • #3
      Thanks Nellie. All Matt says these days "Oh man your poor belly it's soo huge!" I know he is saying it out of love, and concern, but sheesh give a girl a break.

      It was so fun to see you and the girls. All Emma talked about on the way home was about how she got to play with her fun friend Bryn.

      Gas, and 4 kids


      • #4
        I thought you were still in that "cute little belly" stage but I suppose you probably don't feel that way!


        • #5
          Glad everything is okay Crystal, I'll bet that was scary!
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            Ditto what everybody else said! Take care of yourself!

