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Nothing short of boring....

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  • Nothing short of boring....

    Do you want a good laugh??? (I use humor to deal with bad situations)

    Emma and I are in a co-op preschool with 6 other moms and their children. We take turns teaching and hosting preschool at our homes. It ends up being that it's one adult to 7 children. Emma loves it and had a blast having preschool at our home.

    So here I am almost 32 weeks pregnant. We were nearing the end, and I was trying to round everyone up to get ready to go home. We had been spending the last part of preschool playing in our playroom situated in the basement. I noticed not everyone was going up the stairs so I start down the stairs, and as I get to the last step I stepped on my right foot wrong (it twisted as I stepped down, oh and it's the same foot I had surgery on in February), hearing it crunch. I immediately went down in excruciating pain and started crying, which set off some the kids crying. Lucky for me one of the moms, came to pick up her son early, and paged Matt for me. Matt only had to work a couple of hours this morning.

    Well after looking at the golf ball size contusion on my foot and the fact that I can't walk on it, we decided that I needed to go to the ER.

    Long story short- I broke my foot, I essentially tore a tendon away from the bone (cuboid for you science freaks like me) taking a chunk of bone with it. I have to see an orthopedic surgeon next week to determine how long I need to be in a cast- lucky for me I still have my walking cast from my foot surgery in Feb, and will be wearing that; and whether or not I need orthopedic surgery, which if I need more imaging done (ie- CAT scan), it will have to wait until after the baby is born.

    Talk about adding misery upon misery......

    As I told Matt this pregnancy has been nothing short of boring..

    Gas, and 4 kids

  • #2
    Oh No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry!!!!! You were such a trooper with the last surgery, I know you will do great if surgery happens to be on the horizon. I will keep my fingers crossed that everything goes ok with ortho.
    Mom to three wild women.


    • #3
      Oh, no!!!!

      I have to agree that the pregnancy has not been boring but I truly hope the next 8 weeks are nothing but boring!

      Take care of yourself and let us know what happens.


      • #4
        I am so sorry Crystal! I hope your foot will heal quickly with no complications and no need for further surgery!

        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #5
          Oh Crystal!!!! I hope it isn't too painful right!

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6
            OMG!!!! Crystal! I cringed just reading your post. You must be in lots of pain. I hope everything goes smoothly. Can you imagine that walking cast boot in the stirrups? Sorry, just a little humor!



            • #7
              Oh Crystal,
              I am so sorry. I wish you lived closer, I would help you out.
              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


              • #8
                Oh my goodness, Crystal, that sounds awful! I can't imagine actually hearing the crunching of bone! Your poor foot, I hope you have a fast recovery. That can't be fun when you're carrying an extra 30lbs or so around.
                Awake is the new sleep!


                • #9
                  How awful! You're such a trooper - 32 weeks pregnant w/7 little kids in your house is bad enough, but breaking your foot on top of it??? Best of luck with the remainder of your pregnancy and your recovery from the foot incident.


                  • #10
                    That's awful! When it rains, it pours. I'm so sorry.


                    • #11
                      That just stinks- on top of the foot surgery and everything else? (like being 32 weeks pregnant!)

                      Wow- take it as a sign that you need to sit on your butt for these last 8 weeks.



                      • #12
                        Oh, man oh man! Sending good "healing" vibes to you! Fingers crossed there will be no surgery.


                        • #13
                          omg! heal, Crystal, heal!

                          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                          • #14
                            Oy Vey! You must have maxed out on all the "little inconveniences" during this pregnancy!!!!! I'm so sorry. I can just picture you surrounded by crying children on the floor. Oh my.

                            Is there anything we can do? It drives me crazy that I can't help anyone out on this board sometimes!!!!! A care package of sibling entertainment for your time off you feet? Couldn't we all send Crystal a chocolate bar or something? (Or - in Luanne's case - a bottle of vino? )
                            Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                            Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                            "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                            • #15
                              Thank you everyone!!!!

                              Well I am feeling really blessed right now. A lady in my church heard what happened and came by to see how I was doing. She then told me "I am here to take your children until you are ready to have them back or until Matt gets home." She had them for four hours. I really needed it- I didn't think it was going to be much harder getting around on crutches at 32 weeks-- boy was I wrong. I was in tears by the time 1 pm rolled around-- frustrated I couldn't move fast enough, the kids were frustrated with me. So this lady coming was perfect timing.

                              Then about an hour later I had another lady from church calling to tell me that she was going to get babysitting and meals lined up for me, and that one of our neighbors was going to take the children after preschool tomorrow for 3 hours.

                              I guess so much for my worry about having a support system.

                              DH ordering a housecleaning service for the next year comes to mind
                              Matt has started looking into getting a part-time nanny to help out. I don't know how I feel about it. We will see.... I have never envisioned us as people having a nanny, but as Matt keeps telling me it would be just for a couple of months- just until I am healed and for a few weeks after the baby is born.

                              Couldn't we all send Crystal a chocolate bar or something?
                              I will take chocolate!!! I have already eaten a bag of Halloween candy quite well on my own.... hmm maybe that is why I have gained 30 lbs already, and I still have 8 wks left.

                              One question- any ortho in the forum? I was wondering if standard treatment for a fleck avulsion (that is what I have) is 6 wks in a walking cast, or is surgery a possibility in the future. The ER doc obviously couldn't tell me what the orthopod is going to want to do. So I thought I would look to you guys first.

                              Thank you so much!!!!

                              Gas, and 4 kids

