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What do your kids call you?

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  • What do your kids call you?

    2-part question, really--what do your kids call you and is it the same thing you called your mother (or father, for the guys)? When I was a kid pretty much everyone I knew said Mom, but now I feel like I'm seeing a lot of Mamas, and I don't know if that's a generational shift or a regional thing or what. I really can't picture my kids calling me anything but Mom, but I wonder if they'll be the only ones on the block.

    My husband and his siblings say Ma, but with a drawn out A, like Maah. It always sounds almost humourous to me.
    Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
    Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

    “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
    Lev Grossman, The Magician King

  • #2
    My Mom is Mom and my Dad was Dad oe Daddy. My kids call me Mom & their Dad, Dad. My stepkids call their parents by their first names, I find that wierd, but it works for them.
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      My mom is Mom to my brother and me and Madre to her children in law and her grandchildren.

      My Dad evolved into Pops sometime in high school and Pops he has remained.

      Nikolai calls me Mama (which is what they call Moms in Russia) and Rick is Dada for the moment. His mom is Nonnie to her grandkids.


      PS- my Grandparents were/are: Doot and Papa, and Grandma and Papa Dan. Doot rhymes with foot and apparently was her nickname in her family.


      • #4
        When the babes were tiny I always referred to myself as Mama (I just liked the way it sounded), so they call me that a lot of the time, but Mommy and Mom float around, too. Jacob seems to be leaning towards Mom more as he gets bigger (the grand old age of 4!) My dh is Dad or Daddy. The Hindu grandparents are Ba and Dada, My dad is Grandpa Bill, and we have a friend / grandma who likes Nana.


        • #5
          My kids call me Mama as babies, Mommy as toddlers/preschoolers, and Mom as older children.

          I'm sure they'll come up with some less pleasant word for me at some point during their teenage years.

          My husband is Daddy to the little ones and Dad to the older ones.

          My parents are Grandma and Granddaddy to my kids. My mil is Grandma as well but we're trying to institute "Abuelita" for her - it's met limited success with the kids so far. Right now they call her their "Black" Grandma (because of her long black hair). My fil is deceased so he doesn't really have a name with the kids outside of Dad's dad.

          Edit: I forgot the second part to the question - sorry! I called my mom "Mommy" as a little girl and "Mom" as I got older. My dad was "Daddy" when I was little and "Dad" as I got older. My grandparents were my Grandmother and Granddaddy on my mom's side and my Grandmother R_____ and Grandfather R_____ on my father's side. The formaility with my father's parents was due to our not being 'close' to them. My dad's dad was an alcoholic that we didn't see for long stretches (he'd disappear for years at a time into oblivion) and my dad's mom we kept at arm's length because she was, well, crazy.

          Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
          With fingernails that shine like justice
          And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


          • #6
            I called my parents Mommy & Daddy when I was younger. My mom is now Mom, but my dad is still Daddy. My husband calls his mom "Ma"....which I can't stand because it reminds me of little house on the prairie! We refer to each other as Mommy & Daddy to our little boy. I'm sure as a baby he will call us Mama & Dada and then will call us Mommy & Daddy once he hits toddler age.

            We are sort of stuck on what Andrew will call my parents. Right now we refer to them as Grammy & Grandpa. I think we'll stick with Grammy, but Grandpa just sounds so....well....old. My husband's mom wants to be called Grammy as well, but I would rather he call her Grandma since my mom is already Grammy. :>


            • #7
     kid calls me Ughh!


              • #8
                I am MMMMMOoooooommmmmm, momma or MMMMoooommmmmy. DH is Daddy. Grandparents are Papa and Grandma ____. Avery calls me Jennifer sometimes.

                I don't really like being called Momma, though I don't know why.



                • #9
                  When they were toddlers....Mama and Daddy

                  preschoolers....Mommy and Daddy

                  school aged......Mom and Dad

                  I call my parents Mom and Dad, and my husband uses the same terms for his parents. My kids call them Grandma Janet or Grandma Beverly, or Grandpa Royce and Grandpa Ralph. I call my step-mother by her first name, and she suggested that my kids call her Mimi (since they had two grandmas already) when my oldest was born, and that has stuck.

                  Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                  "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                  • #10
                    I call my parents mom and dad, same for DH. My 5 year old calls me "mom" and dad "dad". My almost 2 yo calls me "mama" and calls dad "papa". She couldn't (or wouldn't ) say "dada" or "dad" and always called him momma, which cracked me up. Somehow papa came about and it stuck.


                    • #11
                      I called my parents mom and dad. My girls are starting to call me mom, but Mitchell still calls me Mama, which I love! I'll miss it when I'm not Mama or Mommy anymore. Oh yeah, the girls pretty much call my dh daddy and Mitchell calls him dada.
                      Awake is the new sleep!

