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potty trainig tips PLEASE!!!
A good time to try is right upon waking, in the morning or after a nap assuming he is staying dry in the first place. Also before bath/bedtime. If you are staying at home, just tell him its time to potty whenever you have to use the bathroom.
With DS, who didn't get serious about pt until he was just over 3, we used a weekly reward of a small toy. If he tried to get to the potty on time, he got the toy. If he didn't he didn't get the toy. That only happened once, and when he realized we meant it, he tried. He still had plenty of accidents, but at least he tried. We did those take along Thomas trains, but any small toy that can make a collection should work. I think having a collection to add to helped with DS.
We used pull ups for the first couple weeks of serious Pting, and then moved to plain white undies. He got character print ones when he went a few days without accidents. I think it took about 6 months of all the time active pottytraining to make it without any accidents for a month, including night time.
Books: Everone Poops by Taro Gomi, My Big Boy(Girl) Potty by Joanna Cole and Once Upon a Potty by Alona Frankel. The last one also has a video that DS2 is obsessed with, so I guess there is hope for him to be done before 3 1/2!
I had a big pile of small smiley face stickers in a variety of colours that my then-idiot-of-a-principal had given us to use as positive reinforcement tools (in high school!?!?!?).I put a sheet of paper right next to the potty, and each time she was dry and asked to go, and did her thing, she got to choose the color of sticker to put on the sheet. She was really into it.
I guess I could have also used them on my high school seniors, but they were mostly potty-trained already.Enabler of DW and 5 kids
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