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Holiday birthdays??

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  • Holiday birthdays??

    Any Dec holiday time birthdays out there? Our ds is right in between Christmas and new years. What’s the best way to do birthday parties? Early? Late? Combo w/holiday? Last year we did a birthday party on his birthday, which was okay since it was while family were already gathered, but this year we want to have a kid party. I can’t believe I am just now trying to figure this out. Can I have this week’s bad mom award?

  • #2
    Plenty of time!
    Do you have a children's museum or something like that? Non member parties are about $200 or so. I did mine at home for much less.

    I'd say either early or late, the weekend before or after. For kids, probably after, since most schools are back in session just after NY and families are home and the whirl has died down.

    My neice was born ON Christmas. You wouldn't believe how many people tried to give her gifts with Christmas wrappings, or tell her the barbiedoll was a combination gift My sister started having her celebrations two weeks beforehand so Lisa could feel like it was her day.


    • #3
      Oh God- we have far too many- my mom is 1/4 and her parents always combined the events- even went so far as to ask her when she wanted her present...

      So, when my brother was born 12/29, he always had separate events. Wjaat always stunk though was so many friends were out of town during that week.



      • #4
        We have tons. DH is 12/10, I'm 1/10 and lots of other family ones, too (not our kids, though, so it just means we're totally broke).

        I don't know how dh's family did it, but since I was an only child (mom suffered through 5 miscarriages and a baby that died @ 3 mo.) my birthday was treated like a holy day (although the tree was always still up b/c my mom was a Christmas nut).

        All I can say is do NOT do a combo. The kid will resent it.


        • #5
          Oh yes, our oldest was born on December 28th. As sick as I am of celebrating at that point, we always have a birthday party for her on or around her birthday. She often gets more gifts for her birthday than for Christmas (not from us of course), so I'm usually going nuts trying to figure out where to put the stuff, but I don't want to downplay her birthday just because it is close to Christmas. I think she would feel pretty screwed. I haven't actually done this, but somebody I know suggested leaving the tree up and replacing the ornaments with balloons (though I guess they'd have to be sturdy balloons or else they'd pop). I always mean to do that, but I haven't gotten around to it.
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6
            My oldest was born on Halloween. I know that's not the holiday you were looking for but I thought I'd mention it.

            Some years we have had Halloween parties as his birthday party but as he gets older we are steering more towards seperating the two events. If we have a kid party we generally have it as a Halloween theme. If we don't then we'll have a quiet family party without a real theme on a seperate day from Halloween (generally the day before).

            My birthday is 1/8 and my dad's is 12/26. So, we've generally both been a bit overlooked in the holiday rushes. It used to bother me as a kid but now I don't even think twice about it. My parents were always very careful to make sure I had a seperate birthday gift on my birthday even though they had just gotten me a few Christmas presents only a couple of weeks before. That meant a lot to me.

            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
            With fingernails that shine like justice
            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


            • #7
              Wow, lots of Capricorns here!

              I am 1/5 and my BIL is 12/28. I got a lot of combo gifts growing up. I didn't know any different so I guess it didn't matter to me. A friend has a son whose b-day is 12/30. They have parties for him every year around his birthday to make it special.



              • #8
                My mother's is 1/3, mine is 1/4 and my oldest son is 1/7. Luckily, he still gets a big deal made of his B-day.
                When I was a kid, it was pretty much all run together with the other celebrations.


                • #9
                  Plenty of birthdays to figure this out

                  Thanks for the input everyone. Sounds like it can be hit or miss. I think we’ll try having the birthday on his actual birthday again. We’ll see if anyone comes.

