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holiday pictures

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  • holiday pictures

    I give. I have been trying to get a nice snapshot of the two kids to send out for Christmas for WEEKS now. do you get two kids clean, looking at the camera, and smiling at the same time? They are beginning to flee the scene everytime I pull the camera out.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    I feel your pain Kelly. I have decided to find the best shot of each kid individually. Can you believe that I initially tried to get all 3 kids AND the dog??? I don't know what I was smoking, but it ended badly (the dog rolled in some very rank puddle outside and was covered with black mud--j3qpatel was kind enough to help me bathe him, but alas, no good shots were taken).
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3
      Take them somewhere to play (like one of those indoor playgrounds) and once they are having a good time, get their attention? My kids always "posed" for me better at playgrounds for some reason. Another idea may be to take a picture of them when they AREN'T looking at you, but engrossed in something else (even the tv!) and looking past you, you know what I mean?

      Good luck! We had my BIL take a bunch of pictures of our family at various times during our visit there over Thanksgiving, and we got ONE good one. My kids are at the cheesy grin/"let's give ___________ rabbit ears" stage, so it is challenging.

      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


      • #4
        BTDT! I did a whole scrapbook page of trying to get a holiday photo one year. The last two years I have paid for the trouble because I can't seem to get it done. Getting both kids to cooperate it hard, especially when a toddler won't sit still.

        Hope you get what you are looking for. However, sometimes a humorous photo may make a cute card.



        • #5
          When you figure it out, let me know! No Christmas photos yet.

          I'll start trying harder this weekend otherwise I'm sending them to the playground with Sally.


          • #6
            I know your pain. Last year I resorted to taking a picture of them sleeping together in our bed and captioned it "PEACE".

            This year I've had slightly better luck. I told them that we need a good picture of them to send with their letter to Santa so Santa knows who they are. I say this meaning that with "good luck" I got one good picture out of roughly 150 taken (thank God for digital cameras).


            • #7
              Originally posted by j3qpatel
              I know your pain. Last year I resorted to taking a picture of them sleeping together in our bed and captioned it "PEACE".
              What's the benedryl dose for that photo?


              • #8
                Originally posted by nmh
                What's the benedryl dose for that photo?
                I'm not at all above that - but the pic was taken during a phase where they liked to fall asleep together in our bed, and then we moved them when we went to bed. The idea struck me around 11PM and I ran upstairs, moved them closer together and had a photo session.


                • #9
                  I just have to say that I agree with going the easy route with the strategy of taking a picture that isn't posed. I always enjoy looking at a spontaneous picture more than a posed one anyway. Maybe thats because DD has never sat still long enough for a good sit down picture.


                  • #10
                    I have to laugh - this is the story of our life. We got official family pictures this fall, and as we left the photo shoot, I told DH that I didn't think there was ONE single shot with all of us smiling. With some magic, the photographer scratched up a couple with almost all of us... the baby- who is SUPER smiley in life, didn't crack a single smile the entire time! I almost put one of the twins where DD is smiling as big as can be (of course we did the "if you smile big, you get big treat at the end!" bribe, which worked like a charm on her...), but DS looks like he's about to have a root canal done. I laughed so hard when I saw that one.

                    Last year I resorted to putting individual ones in there. I LOVE the "Peace" idea - I'm going to have to use that sometime!!

                    Kelly - I would say try the bribe. Whatever gets their attention. Candy, Video, etc. I'm all about extrinsic rewards when need be .

                    Jen B.

