Well the past couple of days has been interesting....I know I have already said this pregnancy has been nothing short of boring.
Last night I ended up in L&D- I had a gush of fluid in the morning while I was getting the kids dressed. When dh came home from work the conversation went something like this-
Me- "Honey something funny happened today."
DH- "Oh yeah what?"
Me- "I thought my water broke this morning. Hahahaha!
Dh- "That's not funny, call the doctor right now."
I thought it was a false alarm, but the on-call doc and dh wanted me to go in to make sure everything was fine. My water didn't break, but my blood pressure was high for me- 130/68, and they found small amounts of protein and glucose. I was sent home and told to drink more water- all the while thinking, if I drink any more water I am going to float away.
So I went to my appointment today- measured 36 weeks, which means- the baby has dropped-- YEAH!! I was correct about the burning pelvis, which is getting better I might add. So I am -2 station, "good" 2 cm dilated, and 75% effaced. BUT my blood pressure was 136/80, still high for me, and they found trace (very minute) amounts of protein and glucose in my urine. My normal blood pressure is 100-102/50 Dh was able to make it to the appt and was asked to monitor my blood pressure the rest of the week and if I get above 140 then I need to call, and above 150 I definitely need to go to L&D to be induced. My doc also advised if I am showing any other signs of pre-eclampsia to go in immediately. Apparently there is a first time for everything. My OB said this week would be a good weekend to go into labor as she is on-call.
I have to go back on Monday for a follow-up for the blood pressure.
Last night I ended up in L&D- I had a gush of fluid in the morning while I was getting the kids dressed. When dh came home from work the conversation went something like this-
Me- "Honey something funny happened today."
DH- "Oh yeah what?"
Me- "I thought my water broke this morning. Hahahaha!

Dh- "That's not funny, call the doctor right now."
I thought it was a false alarm, but the on-call doc and dh wanted me to go in to make sure everything was fine. My water didn't break, but my blood pressure was high for me- 130/68, and they found small amounts of protein and glucose. I was sent home and told to drink more water- all the while thinking, if I drink any more water I am going to float away.
So I went to my appointment today- measured 36 weeks, which means- the baby has dropped-- YEAH!! I was correct about the burning pelvis, which is getting better I might add. So I am -2 station, "good" 2 cm dilated, and 75% effaced. BUT my blood pressure was 136/80, still high for me, and they found trace (very minute) amounts of protein and glucose in my urine. My normal blood pressure is 100-102/50 Dh was able to make it to the appt and was asked to monitor my blood pressure the rest of the week and if I get above 140 then I need to call, and above 150 I definitely need to go to L&D to be induced. My doc also advised if I am showing any other signs of pre-eclampsia to go in immediately. Apparently there is a first time for everything. My OB said this week would be a good weekend to go into labor as she is on-call.
I have to go back on Monday for a follow-up for the blood pressure.