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Suggestions on apt living?

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  • Suggestions on apt living?

    I logged on to ask for suggestions and then got distracted with reading and posting in other areas. Doh! I have two kids, 3 and 1.5. They’re so much fun. We’re all very high energy. There are some times when their energy and enthusiasm is too much for me to deal with. One of the problems we have is that we live on the second floor. Our downstairs neighbors basically hate us because they are a 50ish couple who just want peace and quiet and the kids are, well, 3 and 1.5. The boys love to run. I really do try to get them to keep it to a minimum at night. I let them knock themselves out jumping on the bed because I figure it is the quietest. The other big problem I am having right now is that our 1.5 year old has this obsession with putting things in the heating vent. Food. Credit cards. Toilet paper shreddings. Who knows what we’d find down there if we could get in. Any ideas?

  • #2
    Yeah, we've lived on the second and third floors of a two family for the last few years. The people who lived below us up until a few months ago had two kids of their own who were noisy little boogers. So, we all had this unspoken rule: Be as loud as you want during the daytime but you've got to hear a pin drop from about 9pm to 7am. It worked out well for us all - we were all very patient and forgiving with each other.

    But, a few months ago those neighbors moved and we got a childless couple in their 40s who are completely clueless when it comes to children. I had to go downstairs at 10pm one night the first week they moved in and ask the husband to stop playing his TUBA. At 10pm. In the bedroom below my daughters' bedroom. Clueless.

    Anyway, I basically gave up with this couple. I let the kids run around like maniacs during the day and I just stick to the old rule of having the house absolutely quiet between 9pm and 7am. I told this couple that was the way it was before and that is the way it will continue to be. After all, we were here first. Anyway, they're learning - slowly but steadily. I imagine my children have cemented their decision to remain childless.

    As far as the couple in their 50s: Did they have children? If so they must have some sort of realistic expectations as to the amount of noise a toddler and a preschooler will make while playing during the day. If they haven't had kids then this is their crash course into the reality of what they themselves were like as children. Be as friendly as you can to them when you see them. Bake them cookies, sit out in the yard with them and have lunch, etc. And, then explain to them you will try to keep the kids quiet during certain hours of the night and give them your phone number to call you if/when the noise gets unbearable. It's pretty much all you can do....

    Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
    With fingernails that shine like justice
    And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


    • #3
      What kind of floors do you have? Rugs and carpets often muffle noise caused by foot traffic. Also, do the kids run around in shoes or socks? Hard soles make more noise, what about switching to slipper-socks.

      I have lived in apt's all my life and don't remember being annoyed by children noises. But don't get me started on noisy adults.

