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Things your kids do that make you laugh....

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  • #16
    The latest on my 14 month son. He recently has whacked himself in the head when pointing out his body parts...when we get to "head" it's a wham. I say, "be gentle" and he is gentle and I kiss his head. Now he comes up to me, whacks his head, and leans in for a kiss -- smiling like a maniac the whole time!

    My three year old daughter likes to "find solutions" to problems. For example, when we didn't have mac and cheese in the cupboard so I could make it for lunch, she scratched her head and said, "mom I am going to come up with a solution to our problem." I paused, trying not to laugh. She then says in her "know it all voice" .... "since we don't have any mac and cheese, I think we should have cookies, m and ms ...and MILK instead because we always have milk with meals and NOT JUICE!" big smile.

    Finally, church is much more challenging with two kids who can walk and make noise. Last week, my son was hooting at the pictures on the wall. It seems he thought a bolt of lightening (God? Magic? ) in the picture was an owl. In his defense it was white and it did have some dots that looked like eyes! My daughter said in her OUTSIDE voice, "We have to be QUIET in church or Mommy gets frustrated Brendan! Please WHISPER." She then looks at me like she just fixed things and I can carry on while the congregation (thank goodness they are mostly understanding about these things) tries not to laugh.

    So funny. They crack me up.

    Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

    “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


    • #17
      Flynn's post made me think of something pretty funny Maya did the other day. I was really tired and I asked her if she could try to pack her own lunch. She went to work in the kitchen while I lounged in front of the TV. I later found out that she had a caramel and cookie sandwich for lunch that day. Lesson: A 5 year old really shouldn't be packing their own lunch!
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #18
        These are funny, Sue the sandwhich sounds good!!!!
        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


        • #19
          Last week, DS was looking to retrieve a lost tooth and exclaimed--"MOM-you are not going to BELIEVE what I just found under the bed". (Yup, I've got to become more creative with present hidign places).

          One day last year during swim lessons, DS's instructor inquired how his family was doing. DS remarked that mom and dad were fine but, "[baby girl] was not having a very good day because all she wanted to do was cry and suck on the booby all day long."

          DD is in her naked stage and it doesn't matter if we are in church or at Target. I had one well-meaning stranger exclaim "Where are your daughter's shoes?"

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #20
            Originally posted by kmbsjbcgb

            DD is in her naked stage and it doesn't matter if we are in church or at Target. I had one well-meaning stranger exclaim "Where are your daughter's shoes?"
            The answer of "ha, you're just lucky she has her clothes on" usually doesn't do much for them.


            • #21
              So....this morning we are getting ready for the day, which starts out with both boys going to the dentist for the six month cleaning. I was trying to get my clothes on and then started to brush my teeth, when from the living room I hear screaming....not crying, but the kind of leave me alone screaming or stop touching me screaming. Then Drew comes in and says "Colton just hit me in the nuts".
              I looked at him like he was talking in a foreign language, and said 'Drew, we don't talk like that' (He has picked up lots of wonderful things on the ten minute bus ride to and from school the day he wanted to know what 'zex' or 'xex' was from the 7yold that sits across the isle )
              Anyway, I say 'We call them privates and I am sorry that he hit you there'
              He stands there looking at me, and then I notice he is holding his hand. He says " I didn't know these were privates too?".....he was holding his knuckles and rubbing them......

              Maybe I should get my ears checked.


              • #22
                [quote="gmdcblack" when from the living room I hear screaming....not crying, but the kind of leave me alone screaming or stop touching me screaming. [/quote]

                We call those "civil rights viloations".


                • #23
                  Yeay! I am back online joining you all from 60 degree CA!! I have a lot of catching up to do, but I just loved these stories and thought I'd add my own.

                  Keelin (turned 2 in October) has a special affection for this $3 ceramic snowman I bought at Walgreen's in an effort to create a little holiday cheer in our new apt. She carries him around and keeps him in a special place. Tonight I heard her in another room talking to him. "Go to sleep snowman, Ok? Yeah, go to sleep. Kiss...(kiss sound) big hug ("Ooooh" sound effect when hugging)Night. See you tomorrow...She even has him take medicine with her (he has to go first), and she said yesterday that he is her "special friend". Why even buy toys?!?!!

                  This is a good one...and just funny because her sense of humor seems level with 3 or 4 year old to me...I "tooted" as we call it around here (obviously, just the two of us...I'm not THAT crude!!!) and Keelin exclaimed, "Wow, Mommy, that was a big TOOT!!!"

                  She also kept asking me what my bra was when I put it I told her, "It's called a bra". At daycare when she hugged me goodbye, she reached down my shirt and tried to grab it shouting, "LOOK! A BRA A BRA A BRA!!!" Yikes, I can only imagine what the future may hold!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by HeartRN
                    Yikes, I can only imagine what the future may hold!
                    Let's see, has she started commenting what you and everybody else is doing while you are in public restrooms? If not, I'd get prepared for that one!
                    The snowman story is cute, btw!
                    Awake is the new sleep!


                    • #25
                      Standing in the check-out line in Costco with my twin daughters (aged 6):

                      Maddy: I'm a super-hero!

                      Zoe: So am I!

                      Maddy: My name is Zortax (or something like that)!

                      Zoe (loudly): Well, I'm TAMPAX!

                      I suddenly hear the line behind me (all of which are women) laughing. I tell Zoe (loudly enough for all behind me to hear), "Maybe you should come up with another name, honey." Zoe asks, "Why, Mommy?" Oh, my word. Did we have an interesting conversation after that (she's a curious child, that one, and asks many questions) - complete with an audience behind us! That line moved WAY too slowly.

                      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                      With fingernails that shine like justice
                      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                      • #26
                        My daughter has been slightly constipated twice in her life. It apparently made an impression because she will hold her poop now. When she's mad she says she can "hold her poop for hours and hours so we might as well do something fun!!!"

                        After a sucessful family potty at Target, DD announces in the check out line, "Mom you did such a good job pooping! It was really big and it didn't hurt at all. Do you feel better now that you have that big poop out?"

                        This of course is all language we have used to encourage her going #2 without all the drama there is now.

                        Everyone in line was trying not to look me in the eye!

                        Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

                        “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Flynn
                          My daughter has been slightly constipated twice in her life. It apparently made an impression because she will hold her poop now. When she's mad she says she can "hold her poop for hours and hours so we might as well do something fun!!!"

                          After a sucessful family potty at Target, DD announces in the check out line, "Mom you did such a good job pooping! It was really big and it didn't hurt at all. Do you feel better now that you have that big poop out?"

                          This of course is all language we have used to encourage her going #2 without all the drama there is now.

                          Everyone in line was trying not to look me in the eye!


                          • #28
                            These are hysterical. I wish I had been in line with you Flynn.
                            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                            • #29
                              Flynn- that is hysterical!

                              Every night before the bath, our girls take a potty break. Our two year old has been sitting on the potty. I was encouraging her to try and go. She was red-faced and got up from the potty chair and said I am all done. Then she walked a couple feet and then pooped on the bathroom floor. She followed it up with, "I did it!".

                              dd#1 wore flip-flops to the mall tonight. One fell off in the car and DH picked it up for her. She said, "Daddy got my shoe. Daddy, you're a winner!"


                              • #30
                                Flynn, that is hysterical!!!
                                Awake is the new sleep!

