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pregnant lady check in

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  • pregnant lady check in

    How is everyone doing with their pregnancies? I am 18 weeks and over the extreme fatigue of the first trimester. The second time around is so different- I thought about nothing else for nine months, and now I am so busy chasing around a toddler that I dont have time to think about it. I am still in my regular clothes which I find very odd- I was in maternity clothes by now with my first one. My SIL lent me a lot of nice clothes that I am looking forward to getting into- well I am looking forward to the cute tummy part, not the beached whale part.
    Mom to three wild women.

  • #2
    I'm done! He's here! Nellie posted an announcement in the Call Room. I will probably do another post here too. If anyone can't find it in the Call Room, let me know and I will post it here.

    I wish the rest of you best wishes on the rest of your pregnancy.

    Jane should be next. I hope the baby gets an eviction notice soon.

    Gas, and 4 kids


    • #3
      If I can just complain, maybe I will feel better. I am not far along at all, yet so far this pregnancy has been nothing but eventful. I have had spotting and two ultrasounds by the end of this week. Morning 24/7 has set-in this week and I have had 3 migraines in less than a week. The only treatment my OB is prescribing is tylenol and caffeine. I know this is a good sign with the nausea, but last time it lasted 8 weeks and that seems like a long time from now!



      • #4
        COngratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Number three! Whoopeee!
        Mom to three wild women.


        • #5
          Jennifer, Is everything ok with the spotting? I know that can be scary! I am so sorry to hear about the morning (all day) sickness and migraines. I had the same with my pregnancy....24/7 nausea from weeks 6-12 and a migraine every 2-3 days. The good thing is that, once I was out of the 1st trimester, I didn't have a single migraine for the rest of the pregnancy. You might want to check with your doctor to see if there is a medication you can take for the migraines. Caffeine might work temporarily, but it will most likely just trigger more migraines. My OB offered to prescribe something, but by the time I brought it up with him I was at the end of my 1st trimester and the migraines disappeared due to hormonal changes. Is this pregnancy different than your other two? Could be a boy!


          • #6
            Originally posted by jlynnb
            If I can just complain, maybe I will feel better. I am not far along at all, yet so far this pregnancy has been nothing but eventful. I have had spotting and two ultrasounds by the end of this week. Morning 24/7 has set-in this week and I have had 3 migraines in less than a week. The only treatment my OB is prescribing is tylenol and caffeine. I know this is a good sign with the nausea, but last time it lasted 8 weeks and that seems like a long time from now!

            Ugh.... I'm sorry you're going through this. It really is awful. I had both the spotting and morning sickness with this pg too. I had spotting with my first pg, so I think it is just something I do when I'm pregnant. But the morning sickness was new this time and I remember feeling like I would be nauseated (sp?) for the rest of my life. Fortunately, it did go away. Hang in there.

            This second pg has been much more eventful than my first also. In addition to the above, at my 18-20 week ultrasound, they found an intracardiac echogenic focus, which is a soft marker for down syndrome. However, because they did not find any other markers and my quad screen came back normal, they told me not to worry about it. They called it a "normal varient". Yeah, right - don't ever tell a pregnant woman not to worry about her baby- it's hopeless!
            Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


            • #7
              ugh, Jenn...I'm so sorry to hear that! Hopefully, this will pass quickly and you'll be feeling better soon! I'm glad to hear that you've had 2 u/sounds and things look good though.

              From the beginning of the pregnancy, Thomas has considered it my worst...before we even knew about the lymphoma....I'm now 21 1/2 weeks along and I feel really paranoid even though I know that based on the u/sounds and level II that all is 'well'. I keep wondering if I'm having pre-term labor or leaking amniotic fluid, etc...even though I'm sure that I'm I get closer to 24 weeks (cusp of viability) I just wish that I could already be there so that if something goes wrong, baby will have a chance. I know it's just the emotional stress playing tricks on me...but I have to say, I'm relieved that I have another u/sound this afternoon.

              This baby is a real 'jumping bean'. I've never...never had a baby move this least not that I remember...that...of course...makes me worry too.

              I feel pretty tired, but other than that (and weight gain ) I'm no worse for the wear.

              Sorry for the hijack, Jenn....I really hope you are feeling better soon. Is there anything you can do take for the migraines besides caffeine/tylenol? Isn't percocet considered 'safe'?

              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


              • #8
                I hope the 8 weeks passes quickly for you (is that how long you said it would be before it would subside?). I felt like crap my whole first trimester, too, but without the migraines and I never actually threw up. It can make you pretty miserable, though!
                Awake is the new sleep!


                • #9
                  Jennifer, I'm so sorry! I was just wiped out from morning sickness w/ my second, partly due to chasing after DD. It is my memories of that which make me feel uncertain about having another (oh, and the last 4 weeks of being pg ).
                  Do you want those pressure point wristbands back?

                  I had spotting with my last pregnancy too. Cause for much worry but everything turned out ok.

                  Hang in there!


                  • #10
                    Big hug to all you preggos out there.

                    Jennifer (JLynnB) it just occurred to me...Will this be your third September baby? I guess that a typical New Years' eve in your house is a Rockin' bash.

                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                    • #11
                      Yes, Kelly it is a September baby, due on the 21st. This baby will probably be late as both others were 8 days and 5 days (induced), respectively. DD#1 was born 9/24 and DD#2 was born 9/27. Apparently, I can only get pregnant one time of the year and when DH is post-call. We tried for 8 months and this is where we ended up. I keep what you said as my mantra. September is our heritage.

                      My OB offered me Vicodin or Tylenol with Codeine for my migraines, but I don't really want to be knocked out so I will just see how it goes. Thanks, Nelly I think I will be okay without the wristbands. I hope exercise will help alleviate the 24/7 nausea.

                      Thanks for your sympathy! I needed it!



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by PrincessFiona
                        Sorry for the hijack, Jenn....I really hope you are feeling better soon. Is there anything you can do take for the migraines besides caffeine/tylenol? Isn't percocet considered 'safe'?
                        I know I took it during my pregnancy - that and OxyContin. Yup. I was about 34 weeks along when I started those, and I won't even get into the reason why I had to take them, but I was pretty freaking miserable (as was my entire pregnancy - and the one before that too).

                        Hang in there. Don't be afraid to tell your OB that you are hurting. If they brush it off, they suck! My first OB did that with my son, and I was absolutely sick. I was in the emergency room weekly with 80/40 blood pressures, ketones in my urine, and dehydration. My second OB actually listened to me and understood that my symptoms were not normal, I truly was really, really sick, and I got a home health nurse.

                        While, I had really, really, horrible, awful, insane pregnancies, your concerns are valid and real, and your OB should take them seriously.

                        The puking your guts out as a sign of a healthy baby speech infuriates me! I hope you feel better really, really soon.
                        Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.

