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Mom with laryngitis!

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  • Mom with laryngitis!

    Oh NOOOOOOO Robin...I hope you get your voice back soon! It really is hard getting them to listen when your voice is gone...I went through it for a day when I had the flu and they were horrible....I had absolutely no authority that day!

    I'm hoping that you woke up this morning with a fully recovered voice!

    You all went to the park...I'm so jealous. We just got 18 inches of SNOW the other day.... looks like our park days are still a few weeks off!! What a neat park though with all of the slides. I know my kids would love something like that....

    I hope you're feeling better today!

    Time is a Dressmaker, Specializing in Alterations!

  • #2
    Okay .... HELP! I lost my voice this morning cheering my boys at soccer games and I can't seem to get it back! I haven't been able to keep my kids attention all day and I am going nuts!!!!! I didn't think I yelled a lot at my kids but I can't even get their attention right now with my hoarse voice. I have felt ignored all day and the kids definitely don't seem too eager to follow directions from a mom who can't yell!! It has made for an interesting day that's for sure. I am hoping for a cure tomorrow or it could be a LONG weekend. Hope everyone else is having a good weekend. We did discover a REALLY COOL park here with a great playground that has at least 8 slides that are like water park slides. They twist and turn and are quite long. The park also had a half-pike and skateboard ramps for my older boys (who were too chicken to try them with other kids watching!) We have spring break coming up in a week so I definitely think we will head back there. It was a lot of fun except for when I was trying to leave. It is very hard to get four boys to come down when they can't hear their mom yelling with no voice!



    • #3
      Thanks Kris.

      I actually do not feel that bad, I just can't talk. My voice is still gone and what's worse.... Russ lost his voice too! So now there are two parents who can't keep their kids attention! I just hope I get it back by Match Day. How am I supposed to call my family to tell them where we are going if I can't talk ?!

      Anyway... the park was really cool. They even had an area with toy seals, whales and dolphins that the kids could sit on and they blew water out the top so the kids could run through them. I bet you can't imagine that in Minnesota right now!!! It was actually quite cool when we were at the park and I couldn't believe they had the water going when it was only 50 degrees out.

      Well... hope you found something fun to do in the snow!



      • #4
        OH no.....that's terrible...really...I feel for you, because the day that I had no voice was miserable...My children literally wrecked the place...shall I confess this? hmmm...Ok, I will...Amanda grabbed a KNIFE from the knife drawer and pretended to go after her brother, Alex took our broom and broke a built-in light fixture and Andrew did something too...I don't remember what it was, but I was hoarse and yelling and they just laughed at me....they NEVER act like that when I have a voice.(well, almost never )..and I was so ticked off.

        I hope you get your voice back by Thursday...but hopefull sooner....YUCK! Are you sick in any other way or is it just laryngitis? I've been sick for almost 5 weeks now non-stop.....I had influenza, then the stomach flu, then an upper-respiratory thing...and now I have the upper-respiratory thing again...It's terrible! I think Thomas is bringing this yuck home from the hospital with him...his immune system is already primed to handle it and he's always only sick for a day or two...and then the kids and I get sick for much longer....I can't WAIT until spring!

        Time is a Dressmaker, Specializing in Alterations!


        • #5
          I can talk again!!!! Yeah! My kids are now running at the sound of my voice!!!! Russ can talk again too so I think we will survive. We haven't been REALLY sick like you have but I can't seem to shake this head cold and tiredness. I also think I have allergies.

          Isn't it amazing what your kids do when they know they have the upper hand?! Like when you can't talk either with laryngitis or on the phone or when you have guests etc. My kids get so excited when we have company, they act like wild monkeys doing things that I can't believe! My kids are usually pretty decent. We have had no major breakage. I can relate to the knife thing though! Dallin has chased his brother with a knife before. How he managed to climb up on the counter to the top cabinet shelf and get down before I noticed is beyond me. He is a walking demolition crew. BUT now I can yell!!!! I actually really try not to yell very often.

          Hope you are feeling better now Kris. It is miserable being sick for so long!!!


