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My little M&M is growing up!

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  • My little M&M is growing up!

    "Bwah!!!" (okay I'm done crying for my hubby and I)

    Emma (or M&M as Matt lovingly calls her) the last few days has been a little fussy, drool-monster, knawing and chomping on everything (including the boob when she is finished eating)- you see where this is going- my little girl is teething. :/

    Get this though- she is 10 weeks old! I found out tonight that I was 9 weeks when I started teething, and cut my first tooth when I was 3 months.

    Oh well, I guess it was inevitable that she would get teeth at some point. I just didn't think it would be this soon. I looked at her mouth tonight and I can see two little bittie teeth beneath her lower gums. I hope this is the only thing she "takes after me" in. If not then I will have my hands full! (crawling at 6 mos, walking at 9 mos). She is quite the strong kid- holding her head up on her belly since 4 weeks, steady head while sitting up since 3 weeks, getting ready to roll-over, and can almost sit by herself.

    Awww now I am getting sad- I want her to stay a newborn for forever.

    "My little M&M can't have teeth yet, she is still my little baby! M&M you can't grow up yet. No more teething..."-Matt

    Thanks for listening to me rant.....


    Fowler Family Updates

    Emma's 2 mos stats- 12 lbs, 3 oz., 23 inches, 15 in head

    doing mini-pushups, holding head steady, "talking", responsive smile, etc.
    Gas, and 4 kids

  • #2
    Awww, how sweet, Crystal! She sounds like a precious little angel! Just think of how much fun you will have together when she starts talking!


    • #3
      Crystal, your little M&M sounds so precious. Just soak in each moment because there are going to be a lot of those little growing up moments!!!



      • #4

        I remember making this secret pact with my firstborn "you will not grown up,"I offered him..and it felt like he promised me that he wouldn't....He's 7 now and I know what you mean....when I had baby #3, I tried to enjoy every little second, recognizing that it was probably my last time to hold my own newborn, nurse, etc...and he is 3 goes by so fast...but the new things that are coming will also be all firsts for you and all exciting! Soon she'll be rolling over, crawling, walking, talking...and then talking back hehehe, if she's anything like my 5 year old daughter

        Take lots of pictures, videos...and just ENJOY this time! It does just fly by....but everything that comes after it is a new adventure too....

        Time is a Dressmaker, Specializing in Alterations!

