Ok, Jack is 5 weeks old today and doing great ... eating and, uh, emptying well
except he just won't SLEEP!
I have no idea what I'm doing, I have no experience with babies and the only guide I have is a couple of books that I've bought. So ... for those of you who have been through this before: can I expect a newborn baby this young to be able to follow some sort of sleep schedule? Or is this just too young to be able to expect any sort of regular sleep pattern? I guess I - very naively
- assumed that a baby would sleep when he's tired. Nope, uh uh. I can tell that he's tired because he yawns a lot and seems pretty cranky, but I have the hardest time getting him to sleep! He takes a couple of naps during the daytime and sleeps for 1- or 2-hour stretches at night but definitely doesn't sleep for the 12-16 hours that they say newborns need to sleep. And it sometimes takes forever to get him back to sleep once he wakes up (holding him and walking around the house seems to do the trick every time, but is very frustrating and tiring at 2:00 in the morning!! :z)
A friend of mind recommended the Weissbluth method (Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child) and I'm going to pick up the book from my local library today but have reservations about applying some of the cry-it-out methods on a baby so young. Has anyone had any experience with this book?
I know that he'll grow out of this eventually, but I need to sleep and would think that better sleep would be beneficial for him too.
Any ideas??

I have no idea what I'm doing, I have no experience with babies and the only guide I have is a couple of books that I've bought. So ... for those of you who have been through this before: can I expect a newborn baby this young to be able to follow some sort of sleep schedule? Or is this just too young to be able to expect any sort of regular sleep pattern? I guess I - very naively

A friend of mind recommended the Weissbluth method (Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child) and I'm going to pick up the book from my local library today but have reservations about applying some of the cry-it-out methods on a baby so young. Has anyone had any experience with this book?
I know that he'll grow out of this eventually, but I need to sleep and would think that better sleep would be beneficial for him too.
Any ideas??