Poor little Syd has pneumonia--she has been coughing and had a fever for over a week now (started last Thurs), so I took her in on Monday asking if perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to start her on an antibiotic to ward off pneumonia. The kid gets it every year pretty much and I've gotten pretty good at determining when she is headed that way. They insisted she looked fine and that I should keep doing what I was doing. I should add, I'm not one of those parents that wants antibiotics at the drop of a hat, I'm even content not doing them when there is an ear infection if they have reason to think it's viral. So anyhow, after days of her fever spiking over 105 and giving her round the clock breathing treatments they finally order a chest X-ray. Low and behold, she's got pneumonia. So on day 8 we are now starting the antibiotic. I'm kicking myself for not demainding an X-ray on Monday. They even heard some crap in her lungs when they listened to her back then.
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When oh when will I trust my instincts????
Oh no!! I hope she gets better soon. I had the same experience with my little boy when he was little. I was kicking myself for.....well....I'm still kicking myself for not making a huge fuss when I was told it was nothing. It's so hard to do. I'm glad she'd being treated appropriately now.
for Syd!
Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)
"Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"
If it makes you all feel any better, my husband, in front of me, while our child was fevering at 104.7, was telling me that he was fine. I think they're afraid of wigging out the parents. really. even when they ARE the parent...
(it was only after he thought I'd gone back to sleep that he called the Ped on duty...)