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  • Finally!

    Hi all,

    our newest addition made her way into the world on April 1, 2002. An April Fools Baby! Her name is Francesca Elizabeth and she weighed in at 9 pounds 6 ounces. Not a dainty little girl but an amazingly great labor (4 hours). I hope she stays this easy.


  • #2

    I have been wondering about you. What a big baby! And such a beautiful name.

    I hope things continue to go smoothly for you.

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #3

      How exciting for you and your family! Congratulations! How is the newest member weaving her way into your lives? How is big brother doing? hubby? you?

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4

        Seeing that it has taken me about a month to respond to your questions...that answers how I am doing. STRESSED! Overall, though, things are going better that I had hoped. Family finally left Francesca and me alone after a month of continual visits and we had our first real week alone last week. It was heavenly...or at least as heavenly as things can be handling a 2 year old and infant by myself. Chase loves his baby sister and is very cute with her. He mixes up her name and calls her Canfresca which I found hysterically funny in my sleep deprived state. Chase, though, clings to me like he has never done before. I can't even walk out of the room for a moment without him crying or running after me. Gregg is off on a rotation out of town and left the week after Francesca was born. He is only 1 1/2 hours away so has been back a few times but the bonding process between them is a bit slow. It is starting to aggravate me a bit that he dotes so much on Chase when he gets home but gives Francesca very little attention. Hopefully when he gets home in a month things will start to develop between the two of them. I certainly hope so. I go back to work in a week (sob sob) which is two weeks earlier than I had planned (long story). We'll see how my sanity holds up once I am working full time and taking care of the kids myself with no husband...I hate medical school! Francesca, though, is a dream and has fit herself quite comfortably into the family. Bless her little heart.



        • #5
          Congratulations!!! And Happy Mother's Day... this is your first Mother's Day!!! That is very sweet!



          • #6
            Congratulations on "Canfresca". That's pretty darned funny! I hope you regain your sanity soon!



            • #7

              So great to hear from you! I'm sorry to hear that maternity leave is coming to an end. Hopefully, you will be able to ease back into the swing of things. Hopefully, it won't be as hard since you can take little Francesca with you to work.

              Enjoy Chase's extra hugs and kisses while you can. Pretty soon we'll have to kiss our little boys at home instead of in front of all their friends.

              I'm sorry to hear that you hubby is so far away. With any luck, a new, easier rotation will come soon and cleanse away these issues. It seems to that dads sometimes take awhile longer to bond for some reason. Anyway, it was great to hear that you are enjoying your little angels!

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

