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baby brag

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  • baby brag

    In the past week, Nathan (7 1/2 months) has learned to sit up, creep forward, and has cut his first tooth! He slept from 12 to 6:30 Sunday night, but sadly was up last night at midnight and three, as well as his normal early rising time. Hopefully, he will be sleeping more in the near future.

    I felt like a new woman yesterday and didn't know why -- my husband told me when he got home that it was because I had only gotten up once with Nathan! I have gotten on such automatic pilot at night that I didn't even realize I didn't get up at 3 until he told me!

    The other thing is that this past Saturday, my husband was on call, we were having a birthday party for my seven year old (seven seven year old boys!) and I figured out that morning that I had mastitis, due to a teething baby and some cracked nipples about a week ago. We felt truly wiped out at the end of the day. My husband had a patient in labor and waited until she was completely dilated and almost completely effaced before he went in because he wanted to help me with the party. I collapsed afterward with a heating pad on my boob and we did absolutely nothing all day on Sunday!

    Life with kids is certainly interesting -- I just re-read the paragraph above and wondered if I would have ever envisioned such a weekend when I was in college (or even afterward) and having rose-colored visions of parenthood.....

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."

  • #2
    My how we all change!

    7 seven year olds with two more of your own younger children????? You are more woman than I am!

    I know that I felt like a nicer human being when my baby slept through the nights at ...11 months! It wasn't until I weaned him that he was able to sleep through the night. For a few months afterwards, I still woke up in the middle of the night out of habit and checked on him. Of course, the first time, he did sleep through the entire night, I thought that he was dead!

    It sounds like you are truly enjoying this time with your little ones, which is awesome. Humor really is the best coping mechanism around. Enjoy!

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      Sally, you have been busy!!! I agree with Kelly about how much we changed after becoming parents!! You survived a birthday with seven 7-yeard-olds!!! Congratulations!! LOL!!

      That is so wonderful to hear the achievements of your little one. They grow up so fast. I keep reminding myself to savor every moment because I never get another one like it!


      Forever Friends


      • #4
        Seven 7 year olds AND mastitis? I'm officially declaring you mommy of the MONTH!! Good grief, Sally!

        It seems like growth comes in spurts..and I always found myself rejoicing and feeling a bit nostalgic at the same time. We want them to start becoming more independent and when they's nice and it's a bit sad too

        Congrats on surviving that party. I'm trying to plan one right now for my about-to-be 6 year old ...yipes...maybe you can come do it for me

        Time is a Dressmaker, Specializing in Alterations!


        • #5
          Sally- Sounds like you are doing a wonderful job with all that is on your plate. I had to smile when I read about your baby. My daughter just turned seven months and I revel at how much fun she is and how quickly she is adapting to her environment. They are so much fun!


