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The Stitchmeister...

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  • The Stitchmeister...

    Alex just got three stitches in his forehead...this is his second ER trip for stitches and he's only 3 Poor little guy!

    Time is a Dressmaker, Specializing in Alterations!

  • #2
    Awww, Kristen, I feel so bad for the little guy! What happened? I call you soon and we'll talk, K?

    Love ya,

    Forever Friends


    • #3
      I look forward to it, Christy. I've enjoyed our conversations!!!..

      I'm already in the doghouse about my phone bill and we haven't even gotten the ones where I talked to you If I disappear from the internet it will be because we couldn't pay our phone bill!!

      Alex and Andrew were running around the kitchen while I was trying to get ready for a mini-dinner party we were having...and he ran into the corner of a wall! Poor little guy! He came over to me with blood all over his face and I had no idea where he was injured. I'm embarassed to admit that I let out a blood-curtling (sp?)scream and was shaking and yelling for Thomas It took me about two minutes to get my head together and get into action...I was just so terrified...I can't believe how much it bled!

      Time is a Dressmaker, Specializing in Alterations!


      • #4
        Well, I know exactly how you must have felt!!!! When Wesley was 5 years old, we told him NOT to play with this boy who was in like 4th grade or something because he was too old for him. Well, we didn't say it quite like that... we just encouraged him to play with children who were more his age... and the closest one to his age was a 3 year old... LOL! Anyway, one summer night Wesley snuck out and went on this porch swing of the neighbors next to us. This boy that I kind persuaded Wesley to NOT be around did the stupidest thing ever!!! He pushed Wesley in that swing high and Wesley fell out on the cement porch hitting his chin on the edge of the porch where the bushes were. Well, he came running over and came through the door holding his chin. His chin was bleeding AND the inside of his mouth was bleeding. I seriously thought that maybe a stick had pierced through his skin or something.

        Bob was next door at the other neightbor's home looking at his grand piano and playing it too... I ran over with Wesley in my arms and told him that we needed to get Wesley to the ER... I was majorly panicking!!!!! So, Bob ran out and jumped in the car and drove the 20-30 minutes to the hospital... Well, it ends up that Wesley bit his tongue, so that's why his mouth was bleeding... but, boy, was it ever scary!!!!!! The older boy ended up running into the woods close by because he was so afraid he's get into trouble. I never confronted him, we only spoke with his parents to tell them what happened. I think Wesley learned his lesson. He got 5 stitches in his chin, but it looks decent now!!! It was a very scary night!!!! So, I know what you must be going through!!!!!!!!

        Love ya,

        Forever Friends

