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Parenting Disagreement.

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  • Parenting Disagreement.

    I my almost 10 year old daughter is basically addicted to the 'Sims' computer game. DH bought her the first game for Christmas and allowed her to get the second one after she had broken the boy's gamecube (accidentally on purpose) and I had clearly stated that she wouldn't be getting anythign until she saved up to buy the boys another one.


    So now, Amanda wants the Sims Nightlife. I looked it up on Amazon and it is basically about going out to nightclubs and 'hooking up'. In a discussion with dh (that became a tad heated) he told me that she was saving up HER allowance and who was I to tell her how to spend it?

    I responded "UMMMM....I am her MOOOOOTHER" I make final decisions...DUH! My 10 year old does not need to be playing a get made-up to go out and party and hook up with guys game...AND she never did pay for the gamecube that she broke.

    We seem to be having a lot of disagreements regarding my daughter and when I say no, DH always goes to her and says "sorry, Mom said no"..which is pitting me up against her. I'm the bad guy.

    He doesn't spoil the boys the same way.


    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    My advice involves a 2 x 4 piece of wood and Thomas' backside, so I guess I'm not the most constructive.

    Opinions? Sure.

    No 10 year old needs Sims Nightlife. If she were saving up her own money to buy a vial of crack, a thong bikini, or a movie depicting the things available in Sims Nightlife would Thomas say "Who are we to tell her how to spend it?" That's ridiculous. If he continues to need "reasoning" you might show him some reviews or ratings of the game ... the little I know about it indicates it's a bit explicit. Can't she get Sims amusement park or something?

    Blaming things on you is a sneaky way out. If he can't agree to stop it, you'll have to be the heavy, but when she's older, she'll thank you.

    Good Luck!


    • #3
      Originally posted by jesher
      No 10 year old needs Sims Nightlife. If she were saving up her own money to buy a vial of crack, a thong bikini, or a movie depicting the things available in Sims Nightlife would Thomas say "Who are we to tell her how to spend it?" That's ridiculous.

      Blaming things on you is a sneaky way out. If he can't agree to stop it, you'll have to be the heavy, but when she's older, she'll thank you.
      Yes. Definitely. Completely agree.

      I remember reading about Sims Nightlife awhile back and seeing some screenshots of the game. It is NOT appropriate for children - period.
      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
      With fingernails that shine like justice
      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


      • #4
        We need a "Yeah That" emoticon.

        As for the allowance being hers, its a reward for contributions made to the family, not an entitlement. If she broke the other kids toy, she's not contributing and should have to deal with the consequences.

        How about Zoo Tycoon or one of the other SIMS type games that create something?


        • #5
          Ask him what he plans on doing when she's 14 and sneaking makeup on in the girls bathroom and 'hooking up' after school...



          • #6
            She needs to replace what was broken first, and then she can use her money to buy PARENT APPROVED items.
            Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


            • #7
              Thank you for the confirmation. I really put my foot down last night with both of them....
              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


              • #8
                Yeah, what everybody else said.
                Also, I agree that he really needs to change the way he is phrasing things--that is totally not fair to make you into the bad guy.
                Awake is the new sleep!


                • #9
                  Totally agree here...I used to play the Sims (obviously as an adult) because it was entertaining, mindless activity...the game actually goes through the "hook up" and practically every motion of sex itself....definitely very adult!!!! (think two cartoon characters lying on a couch in motion!!)


                  • #10
                    We seem to be having a lot of disagreements regarding my daughter and when I say no, DH always goes to her and says "sorry, Mom said no"..which is pitting me up against her. I'm the bad guy.
                    Thomas sounds just like my dad. My mom was (and still is) the bad cop and my dad is my buddy. Don't worry, Amanda won't hold it against you in the long run (at least I don't). But you should definitely talk to Thomas about having a joint front on the kids issues or at least look like you do.

