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Little Mister

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  • Little Mister

    Ah, the paradox of two.

    The world is so full of wonder and joy for my little guy....and yet he has developed fears of everything from rain clouds to ants.

    His basic sweetness will endear the gruffest stranger to stop and chat with him and yet his tantrums can clear a room and make nonparents declare that their children will never behave in such a manner.

    He is so pure and angelic....and downright devious in the same instance.

    He is insanely curious and into everything, and consequently, chaos rules my household.

    I think that even though this stage can be oh-so-trying, it may be my favorite yet. Who knew? I really have to hand it to those of you who have had twins or two toddlers close in age going through this stage together. I'm not sure that I would be able to be so....philosophical... about the trials and tribulations of two. Hats off to you, Janet, Jennifer, and Kris.


    Edited by: kmbsjbcgb at: 6/14/02 9:52:52 am
    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    This is really special and sweet! I hope you printed a copy to keep for him when he is older!


    • #3
      I take photos obsessively and keep a journal for him. I have nicknamed him my "sweet boy". While he is little and I still have an enormous influence on him, I try to inculcate how special he is in my mind. He is already getting too squirmy for me to rock and kiss for very long. I guess that I harbor this delusion that I will be able to go to college and rock him to sleep. <sigh> Childhood really doesn't last long enough.

      Kind of a funny aside....He saw my painted toes and begged me to paint his. I figured, what the heck, he is only two once, so underneath my son's Barney tennis shoes are perfectly painted red piggies! I think that I will take a photo and show it to his date on prom night. Luckily, my dh is in a Q2-induced stupor so he hasn't noticed. I will remove the polish soon, but I figure, what the heck, let him experiment.

      Edited by: kmbsjbcgb at: 6/18/02 9:32:17 am
      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        That is sooo cute! Cade is such a cutie, he really is!!! I bet he is very proud of his little toes!!!! Be very glad that we didn't get together this weekend, btw...After Andrew had his bout with the flu, I got it and so did Alex....and today..Finny missed summercamp because of it too :/

        "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."

        Douglas Adams

