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Crazy kids

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  • Crazy kids

    I haven't had a break from my kids for weeks. We just got back from sharing a shoebox of a room on vacation and they were nothing, but naughty. My kids aren't the type of girls to sit still and be quiet. Since I have been sitting here reading the day's posts, I had to kick them out of the playroom for throwing games on the floor. Right now they are in the living room putting on a show for each other by jumping off the couch and sounding like they will fall through the first floor. "Watch me, clap for me", they are saying to each other. They have to touch everything and climb up on our counters to help themselves when they want something. They don't walk anywhere. At the dentist the other day, he called my older daughter a stinker because she didn't want to take her turn and my younger daughter threw her shoe at the Target check-out lady.

    I spend time and play with my kids. I praise them, discipline them and set boundaries, yet they still are persistant, intense and loud. They are good for other people and in preschool. I still feel like a failure as a parent sometimes and my husband wants to intubate them at times.


  • #2
    Re: Crazy kids

    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


    • #3
      It sounds like your girls have joined forces (I know the feeling well). I'd say that the fact that they are so good for their teachers and such shows that you aren't failing, they just save their deviousness for you. More than anything, it sounds like you are in desperate need of a break or some major pampering. I hope you can get some respite soon!
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        I feel bad for not embracing my kids for who they are. My neighbor who has a "perfect daughter" told me before I get pregnant that she hopes that Avery is perfect before I have my next child because she doesn't have any problems with her kid. I always feel like I am not doing well enough as a parent. We played the games tonight that the kids were earlier throwing on the floor and we had a great time. I think I was at a low point of the day when I post earlier and I am extremely tired from this pregnancy and DH working 90 hours/week.



        • #5
          If I have one more person ask me, hardy-har-har, if I'm sure that DD isn't a boy.... .

          I hear you and feel your pain. I like to think that the "spirited" characteristics will be tempered into strengths when they are older.


          • #6
            Just out of curiosity, how old is this neighbor's "perfect daughter"? Mine quit being perfect about the time they developed any ability to express their own will, which isn't such a bad thing IMO! I like a spirited child, even if they are difficult to deal with at times. I'm glad your day improved--I had one of those days yesterday and as much as I tried to rally (even took the kids out for ice cream) I couldn't quite pull everybody out of the funk.
            Awake is the new sleep!


            • #7
              I have definitely been where you are. I've told you before that my oldest was a stinker at Avery's age.....he really, truly was. He is almost 11 now, and although he has his moments, he is very pleasant to be around most of the time, with a wonderful sense of humor, lots of energy, and an interesting personality.

              Perspective is a wonderful thing.....I wish I would have had some when Luke was 4! Hang in there. The tiredness is no fun.

              Your neighbor with the *perfect* daughter needs to put a sock in it. The worm will turn for her, you can bet on it.

              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

              "I don't know when Dad will be home."


              • #8
                Originally posted by mommax3

                Your neighbor with the *perfect* daughter needs to put a sock in it. The worm will turn for her, you can bet on it.

                This is what I always tell myself in these situations :>

                Jenn...I don't think I'd even be friends with that person anymore...Children mature/change at such different rates. Amanda was a terror when she was little and she has turned into a sweet, caring, sensitive almost-10-year old (WHO, btw...cried hysterically over her first pimple the other day!). I had a friend say to me once "why do I have to childproof my house when YOUR duaghter comes, but I don't have to do it for my son who is younger?" A few years later she was rolling her eyes at HERSELF about humbles us all...

                ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mommax3
                  I have definitely been where you are. I've told you before that my oldest was a stinker at Avery's age.....he really, truly was. He is almost 11 now, and although he has his moments, he is very pleasant to be around most of the time, with a wonderful sense of humor, lots of energy, and an interesting personality.
                  Sally - I'll try to remember where this post is in say, 3 or 4 years when puberty sets in and you're going nuts. I'm glad to hear it has improved for the time being. Looking forward to it on my end.....


                  • #10
                    Sally - I'll try to remember where this post is in say, 3 or 4 years when puberty sets in and you're going nuts.
                    Oh, I'm afraid that ship sailed *long* ago. I think I have a crazed gleam in my eye due to something one of my kids is doing several times a day. Currently, my four year old has taken an intense dislike to my friend's blind son, apparently *because* he is blind. When I drove/chaperoned a field trip yesterday, my seven year old told four other second graders AND HIS TEACHER that "when Mom farts in the car, everyone can't wait to get out" , and said 11 year old took a *25* minute shower Wednesday morning and exited the tub without having washed his hair or his body. There you have just a sampling of the highlights from this week.

                    But none of that compares to the time the oldest pooped in the sandbox at preschool and covered it up (he was in a little playhouse when he did it) or the numerous times I left McDonald's playplaces with him kicking and screaming, slung over my shoulder because he didn't want to leave (while carrying his brother in the baby carrier), or the times I sprinted out of the shower naked (and pregnant) in order to catch him as he went out the front door of the house......thank GOD for alarm systems and those little warning chimes when a door opens......or the time he slugged a childcare worker in the face while I was at BIBLE STUDY......or the time he ran from me (in front of TONS of other moms, who were of course staring) in a parking lot towards a busy highway as I left Bible Study, again carrying his brother in the baby carrier, and didn't stop until I finally put his brother down on the pavement and all-out sprinted to catch him, or the numerous night terrors from age 3 to 4, many of which involved sippy cups full of water being slung at me, resulting in several dents in the walls of his room, or the triumph of my first day of potty training, during which he (immediately after having sat on the potty) climbed on top of the piano (in order to play it with his feet of course) and then pooped and peed, letting everything run down onto the wood finish of the instrument.

                    God help me if his teen years top all of that.

                    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                    • #11
                      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                      • #12
                        Wow. Sally. You are an inspiration. I am out of breath just from reading that.

                        Plus - it makes me feel SO MUCH BETTER!!! My runaway / verbal assaulting kids are, if not perfecty normal, at least not a complete anomaly.


                        • #13
                          Thanks for helping me feel better about my parenting. My neighbor's daughter is a few months older than Avery. I have thought many times about not being friends with this woman because she has a talent for offending people (most peole in the neighborhood don't like her), but my daughter loves her daughter (I have no idea why). However, I haven't allowed my kids to go over to their house without me in over a year because I think I am setting them up for failure. It is stupid to let myself care what some other mom thinks. I do agree that the spirited characteristics will translate into something very productive. I am just having a hard time keeping up with the energy at this time.



                          • #14
                            These really made me laugh, thanks everyone. You are all wonderful moms. It gets better, then worse then better then worse, get the picture? I can only say that 4 year old girls pale in comparison to 14 year old girls. I have some teen stories to tell but I'll wait because I don't want to scare any of you into giving your kids away (joking)!! I'll save them for a time when you are stronger!!!!!!
                            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                            • #15
                              I don't post a lot about my kids anymore because they seem to have calmed down as they have gotten I am probably pretty hard to shock at this point. However, please trust me that the little I posted above is just the tip of the iceberg as far as what my boys have done....mostly the oldest. It would take a LOT to shock me at this point regarding toddler/preschool behavior, that's for sure. So hang in there and enjoy them as much as you can, because they WILL grow up all too quickly. (and please share your stories.....they bring back such *fun* memories! )

                              Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                              "I don't know when Dad will be home."

