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  • StupidHead!

    Help! Aidan(2) has been running around calling people/things stupid or "stupidheads" for weeks now...but now he really does it in defiance or anger. "No, Mommy, you are STUPID".

    I tried ignoring it thinking that if I didn't pay it any attention he'd stop doing it...but it was ineffective (partly because the other kids think it's such a crack-up )

    Last night, he threw something at me and was screaming "You are STUPID" and so I put him in time devastating to him usually....This time, he sat there the entire time laughing and I actually had to...hold him in the time out chair while he giggled and said "You STUPID".

    I tried to get him to say "I'm Sorry" and he said "No sorry. You stupid".

    I admit it...I eventually gave up. Thomas just laughed at me and reminded me that it was a phase and that he'd grow out of really bothers me.

    Any ideas?

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

  • #2
    I'm sorry but I laughed too!! Very mature of me. I remember Caroline going through that and I eventually made up a crazy "non word" word and every time she said it I replied with my code word. She eventually quit.
    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      Thomas has actually turned the tables and said "I'm not stupid, you're stupid" Then Aidan runs to me and cries big alligator tears "Eeeean NOT stupid".

      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #4
        I hear ya on the name calling. My 4 yr old is into calling me names when she gets mad or to instigate with her sister. Ella has no idea what she is saying, but goes around yelling "poopy head", shut up etc. It is really pleasant.

        I think it is a phase. I try to ignore it. Timeouts don't work with Ella. I have to take away her favorite doll to make a difference to her.



        • #5
          We're in the "everything+head" phase, and it's lovely. I've finally told them that that is how babies talk, that big boys know how to use more words. It's working a bit better .... that and threatening to remove all SpongeBob from their life (which they CLAIM is where they learned to say it). Yesterday I decided that they could say "Fluffernutter" when they're really mad. I told them that usually only bigger kids were allowed to say it, but b/c they're both using the potty now, I'd let it go.

          They think they're getting away with something - and I get to hear them say "Oh Fluffernutter!" Not the best parenting technique, but it's working for the moment.

