I know there are a lot of expecting moms on iMSN right now. Yea!!
I just want to make a quick pitch for checking into water birth. I did not plan on having one, but once I got into the hot tub I wouldn't get out. It was an amazing experience. DS2 was born underwater at a free standing birth center located on a hospital campus. I did have the 'will he drown' concern. As far as I understand the babe won't take a breath until his/her face hits air. The birth was peaceful, beautiful and I had a level of unterine muscle control that I never would have thought possible.
Ok, my pitch is done.
I just want to make a quick pitch for checking into water birth. I did not plan on having one, but once I got into the hot tub I wouldn't get out. It was an amazing experience. DS2 was born underwater at a free standing birth center located on a hospital campus. I did have the 'will he drown' concern. As far as I understand the babe won't take a breath until his/her face hits air. The birth was peaceful, beautiful and I had a level of unterine muscle control that I never would have thought possible.
Ok, my pitch is done.
