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Preschool Options?

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  • Preschool Options?

    What kind of preschool options do y'all have? I have looked into preschool here for my 3 1/2 year old for the Fall, and the best I can do is two days a week for two hours for $95/month I think that is really expensive....When Andrew was 3 and started preschool, it was three mornings a week for a little over three hours, for 88$/month.

    I'd really like to be able to have some personal time this Fall to get caught up on things, etc...and I think he'd have a blast in a preschool classroom meeting other friends....but I balk at $95 for two hours twice a week. Is this really the normal going rate?

    "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
    Douglas Adams

  • #2
    You've got me! I am new to this whole process.

    Two schools that Matt and I are looking into are a couple of French Immersion schools for Emma for the next year or so- one charges $2000 for the year, for 3 days a week, 3 hours each day. The other school charges $3500 for 5 half days.

    Our other prices we found for other preschools ranged from $235-$800 a month depending on the amount of time the child was going to be spending there. The $235 was pretty much for 3/4 days a week for 3 hours.

    Gas, and 4 kids


    • #3
      Have you checked the local "Y" preschool program?

      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        Crystal...a French Immersion school? Wow...that sounds sooooo neat. How did you discover something like that? It sounds like a really neat idea! Some of the preschools in PA or Fl offered spanish, which seemed neat...but a French Immersion!

        Luanne, I hadn't thought about the Y....that is another possibility. It is a bit small here, but you never know what type of programs are available....I'll check it out..thanks.

        "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."
        Douglas Adams


        • #5

          Also check out the local community center. Our community center offers inexpensive school readiness classes one day a week for children who aren't otherwise enrolled in a preschool.

          Good luck,

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            One of Matt's fellow R2s is Canadian, and he and his wife (Trevor and Shannon) have a 16 mos old and are expecting their second. Anyway, Shannon found out that I speak French, and told me about this French immersion preschool and how they accept 18-24 mos old, and thought I might be interested in it.

            Well we are, so we are in the process of guesstimating Matt's salary then, so we can budget, and if Emma will be old enough to do it before Matt finishes his residency.

            After seeing what you posted about prices, I am starting to think we could find something cheaper.

            I can't believe I am thinking about preschool and Emma is only 7 months! Am I crazy??!!!

            Gas, and 4 kids


            • #7
    're not're just thinking ahead

              I have great preschool news....we were on the waitlist at a Lutheran preschool in a neighboring community that is supposed to be really great....and someone cancelled for the Fall...This is also two days a week for 2.5 it's about 1/2 hour longer than the ones through the public schools..but it costs $25/month less! Also, they offer early drop-off and pick-up at lunch time for days where you might have a doctor's appt. etc. Thomas was suggesting that we might be able to plan early lunches on some days and go into town and have a quiet meal just the two of us...........

              Alex is soooooooo excited. He has told anyone who will listen "I'm going to peeskool"



              • #8
                Kris--Congrats! I know that you must be doing the happy dance right now. At the same time, I know that we will be consoling you when your baby starts preschool. Ah...the complexities of motherhood.

                In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                • #9

                  That is GREAT! What will you do with yourself and no kids in the house for a couple of hours?! It sounds like the ideal situation for your family. Glad you got him in!!



                  • #10
                    I am in agreement with everyone else... Get him in!!! That would be so nice for you and Thomas to get some time alone.

                    Thanks for thinking I'm not crazy.

                    Gas, and 4 kids


                    • #11
                      Thanks...I am really excited now. I really had my doubts about sending him to preschool and went back and forth on it...but seeing him be so excited has been infectious. The kids were looking through the Wal-Mart ads from the Sunday paper yesterday at the school supplies, and he was picking out which bag he wanted, etc. (I think we'll get him a little one so he can feel like a big kid!) He keeps talking about all of the friends at school and tells everyone that they have all different kinds of balls at his school. I don't know where he gets that idea, but he loves to play ball. I sure hope they have some there!



                      • #12

                        I meant to post on this sooner. I have had kids in preschool (church run, non-Mom's Day Out type programs) and have paid right around $100/month for 15 hours a week ever since my oldest was two -- that is for the past 5 years. It has saved my life and the boys have really enjoyed it as well. Nathan will be going on Fridays this fall from 9 - 2 and you can bet I am pretty darn excited about it! No doubt I will also cry the first day and will call at least twice to check on him. Such is motherhood.

                        I am glad you found something!

                        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                        • #13
                          What a load off your mind to know where Alex will be attending preschool. I know how I felt in the beginning trying to find affordable day care that we felt comfortable with. Making a decision for preschool is a hard choice and I am happy you found what you were looking for.


