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Back to School

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  • Back to School

    When does everyone's kids go back to school?

    Here they start on August 19th and we are already starting to get ready. Tyler starts kindergarten so we have been making a big deal about his new backpack and he can't wait to get his new school supplies. I swear the supply lists get longer and longer each year!!!!

    In Texas this weekend they are having the 4th annual sales tax exemption weekend. This weekend all apparel and shoes have no sales tax. It is supposed to rival the day after Thanksgiving sales. Many of the stores have extended hours. Of course, the crowds might be crazy but it is worth checking out.

    I can't believe that the summer is almost over. I am actually somewhat relieved because we have had a hard time keeping the kids entertained with the move etc. I need the routine to get back on track. Yet ... I hate to wish away the rest of their vacation. Sigh...

    Hope everyone is enjoying the last of their summer break!


  • #2
    OK- I am NOT a parent. but I have two that are still in school in one of my homes and I swear we are counting down the days. We get them registered on the 5th and they start on the 19th. Ahhhh, then I'll have 4 at home during the day and they're all over 21. What a difference in the activiites we can do! and Thank God Special Ed goes until they turn 22.



    • #3
      I can hardly believe that it is already back-to-school time. We start on the we will have our last summer hurah vacation from the 19th-25th and then will get back into the school routine.

      I am considering starting to wake the children up early again now....we've been sleeping in until 9am and their school bus comes at 7.03...I think that we'll need a running start to be able to wake up before the sun again.

      I think that once the teacher assignments come in that it will feel more 'real'.

      Is anyone else nervous about the start of the year at all? I have found myself worrying in the last week about whether or not their teacher will be a good fit for them and whether or not their friends will be in their class. I just want them both to have a good year.



      • #4
        Jenn - No wonder you are excited for August 19th to get here!!!!

        I am very worried about the kind of year the kids will have Kris. We won't find out who their teachers are until the 15th when we meet them at an open house. I am just praying that my kids like their teachers. It is a brand new school so at least no one else will know their way around either. My kids don't know ANYONE in their grade level so they will definitely be starting from scratch.

        I am actually most worried about my soon-to-be 3rd grader, Zach. He is so sensitive about things and was really quite spoiled at his old school. He was able to have the same GREAT teacher for two years with all the same kids. I am so worried that he will be disappointed. He is so very optimistic about how this year will be with tons of friends and a wonderful teacher. I just hope it meets his expectations.

        I am also worried about Tyler who starts kindergarten because he can be a discliplinary challenge. I never had to worry about the behavior of my older boys but Tyler .... I am a little worried about being called by the teacher telling me there is a problem!!!

        Being at a new school and in a new state, I also worry about their preparation for the academics. I don't want them to be behind starting out. I finally got a library card yesterday and checked out a ton of books for my kids to start getting back into the swing of things. I checked out plays for them to read together and act out and phonics books for Tyler. They are now writing letters to people on a daily basis.

        I thought it was kind of humorous to see my book selections at the library yesterday. Lots of educational type things and fun book for my kids and what did I get .... "The Strongwilled Child" by James Dobson and "How to keep your kids from driving you crazy!!!!"

        I don't even know yet if my kids will take the bus! I don't like having so much up in the air. I am actually quite nervous for the open house. Sigh .... This is hard for me partially because I never switched schools in my life ... other than crossing the street to the junior high and then a block over for the high school! I graduated with the same kids I was in kindergarten with! My kids are so shy that I definitely worry about how all this will play out. I think they will be stronger for it. I just hope I know how to help them over the hurdles.

        I laughed about what time your kids get up Kris. That has NEVER been a problem at my house. My kids are up by 6 a.m. every day. I have never woken them up to go somewhere before. Kind of strange, huh?!!! I do need to get them to bed earlier though!


