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Life with two

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  • #16
    I really had to think about this one. In my case it was not very different going from 1 to 2. Ours are close together though. Maybe this makes a difference. I actually relaxed a lot after having #2.


    • #17
      Going from one to two for us was hard as still is. Many issues have come about, in the long run unfortunately(fortunately) it has made DW a better pediatrician....she is always a good Mommy.


      • #18
        I think the reason it was so easy for us was that we moved in with my brother when #2 was only a month old. My bro has two girls and our four collective kids spent most of the time playing together. They also had a washer/dryer and previously we had to drag everything to the laundromat, which we now do again. They have a huge property with their own playground, pool and gardens. We had everything we needed. Except for having to watch the baby when the eagle perched nearby, it was a worry free environment. We all got along well. We coparented on many occasions. Sigh....

        I think ours was very out of the ordinary. If we hadn't moved I am sure going from 1 to 2 would have been different.


        • #19
          1 to 2 for me was not too bad......2 to 3 was worse, given that my oldest was in 1st grade by then and in soccer, and we had to meet others' schedule expectations and not just do what worked for our little family. My kids are all 3+ years apart, though.

          I set up little stations, though, like Angie talked about, so I had some fail-safe stuff up my sleeve if my son ran out of options for entertaining himself. I really, REALLY, talked up the "being a helper" stuff, too. I don't remember feeling too homebound, either.

          The truth is, my second baby was very easy and content, and my first and third babies were much harder. They have improved with age, but have similar personalities to this day!

          I think both of you (ladybug and suwannee) will do just fine. It is MUCH easier the second time around.

          Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

          "I don't know when Dad will be home."

