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First day of School!

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  • First day of School!

    How did it go for everyone?

    Kris - I read your response down below about Andrew's anxiety. How ishe? I will be thinking about you all day tomorrow.


  • #2

    I'm saying a little prayer for your family, especially Andrew, today. Let us know how you all did.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3

      It is 1.30am and I can't sleep..I'm worried about him and I'm going to go check up on him in the middle of the day. I also wrote him a note in his lunchbox about this being "his year" and that I know he's nervous but that he is going to have a year full of adventures and will make more friends, etc....

      He has gone back and forth between ok and between being weepy, whiny and generally very anxious. Andrew worries quite a bit and during times of stress he sometimes comes up with worries that are over the top...and this is one of those times.

      I know that I'll be better if I just go to BED so that I get some sleep, but I'm worried that I'll miss the alarm and we'll oversleep. (worrying doesn't run in this family :lol)

      Thank you for thinking of me..I will update you tomorrow. How are your little troopers doing?



      • #4
        Kris, what a great start to the day. How did Andrew's day go? When they start off with a great attitude, it can make such a difference.I hope all went well!!!!

        We are getting into the routine now. I am scared to get my hopes up because Tyler went to school happily and came home even more excited with a smiley face on his behavior folder for the day. I told him if he could get smiley faces all week, I will let him get icecream at school on Friday. Bribery is a good thing, right!!! We will see how long our luck holds.

        Jacob came home excited because his teacher selected him and three others to do the News Broadcasting reporting in the mornings. The four of them will report the announcements for a month each morning. All the rooms have televisions to watch the "news". Jacob is going to be the cameraman. He must have drove his teacher crazy making sure that he wouldn't have to say a word and be in front of the camera. He is definitely a behind the scenes kind of guy. He was thrilled which made me happy. So..... so far so good.

        Hope everyone else had a smooth start to the new school year.



        • #5
          Well, so far so good. He woke up last night crying...I was sure that this morning would be awful...but he popped out of bed with a huge smile on his face, ran right downstairs and got dressed (and demanded that I make his hair look 'cool' ). He ate breakfast and was little Mr. Sunshine. He told me he wasn't nervous at all and that he was so excited to see the friends in his classroom from last year.... HUH? I missed something here. He boasted all morning about finally being a second grader and just looked so proud.

          I definately was surprised at how smoothly it went..I am hoping that his day went well...I didn't even go by the school because I felt like he had such a good start.

          I'll let you know how things look a bit later today



          • #6
            Wow, Robin...that's great...It sounds like your boys settled right in!!!!!

            Andrew and Finny came home from school yesterday all excited and with smiles on their faces. This is the best start to the school year that we've had...I'm still crossing my fingers. Andrew is not acting as nervous as he has in past years (K and 1). He seems much more relaxed this year.

            I am so GRATEFUL for this!

            Last year after we moved here, Finny spent the first half of the year sitting in a corner looking at books instead of playing with friends. Her teachers were very concerned. This year, she barely made it off the bus before telling me about all of the new friends she had made and all of the fun things that she had done. I'm so relieved!!!!

   and I both survived the back-to-school stress together this year. I wonder how things are going for Sally?

            Thanks for asking about us! I'm glad that Tyler and Jacob are feeling so much better about things too!



            • #7
              It sounds like everyone is off to a pretty good start. Caroline starts next Thursday, and I have to watch her drive herself away to the 12th grade. It really is bittersweet, knowing next week will be the last time I have a first day of school!!!! Boo hoo. I can count on them always wanting to go back to school shopping though, no matter how old they are. Amy will be 19 on September 3rd, and we love to shop together. I told her about your matching purses Kris, and she thought that was agreat idea!!!!

              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


              • #8

                I just can't imagine sending my baby off to 12th grade...It must be very bittersweet! On the one hand, you must feel such pride at having raised such a wonderful young lady...She went through so much this summer....and then there is the knowledge that she is off to college next year.

                Here I am bawling over 1st grade ... just wait until Finny starts 12th grade...I'll be a basket case. I'm definately sending some positive vibes your way!!!!

                As to the purses: This is a total hit. My daughter is turning into an accessories monster. Before this, I never carried a was just too much what with diaper bags, etc. I usually just put my wallet in my pocket. Now, we sport our matching purses and she is always on the hunt! It is really fun. I hope we'll amass a huge collection over the years so that we'll always have this special thing..


