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Cute kiddo stories

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  • Cute kiddo stories

    Keelin, my daughter (2 1/2), was sitting on my lap the other day and pointed to my lovely outbreak of zits in the T-Zone and said "You have a lot of boo-boos, Mommy!!"

    I made the big mistake of saying, "they aren't boo-boos, they're zits" , and now she is happy to say, even in public, while pointing at the lovely blemish "You have a ZIT, mommy, it's a ZIT" (and she really emphasizes "ZIT"!!!!

    I battle insecurity as it is, I don't need her assistance!!

  • #2


    • #3
      Originally posted by ladybug
      Originally posted by HeartRN
      Keelin, my daughter (2 1/2), was sitting on my lap the other day and pointed to my lovely outbreak of zits in the T-Zone and said "You have a lot of boo-boos, Mommy!!"

      I made the big mistake of saying, "they aren't boo-boos, they're zits" , and now she is happy to say, even in public, while pointing at the lovely blemish "You have a ZIT, mommy, it's a ZIT" (and she really emphasizes "ZIT"!!!!

      I battle insecurity as it is, I don't need her assistance!!
      OMG, Marla, that's so funny! Lucy does the exact same thing. It keeps her busy with all the preggers outbreaks Since she's into counting right now she'll count them for me. "One, two, three, four! You have four ou-wies(sp?), Mommy" Thanks, kiddo. She'll kiss them too, though, so that's sweet.
      My DD just kind of points to them and says "oh." with a yuch kind of face. I don't think she'd dream of kissing them. :|


      • #4
        My 2 yr old's favorite thing to tell people these days is 'baby sister milk from boobie'. I guess my breastfeeding prep really sunk in. She told me ' daddy milk from boobie' just once and I tried to squash that rumor!
        Mom to three wild women.


        • #5
          When my ILs visited and took DS to his swim lessons. DS walked into the pool showed them the snack bar and told them, "This is where all the other kids get a snack before swim lessons. Mommy doesn't get me any snacks."

          Fortunately, my ILs thought that this was hysterical (and of course indulged their beloved grandson with the junk selection of his choice).

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            Emma has taken to pretending to breastfeed her dolls lately. She will tell me "Mommy I am busy. The baby is crying and needs to eat." Emma will then proceed to sit down, lift her shirt, and start feeding.

            Yesterday was a bit busy, and Reed was exceptionally fussy and hungry. He was crying for me, and I looked at Emma and said jokingly "Do you want to go feed Reed for me?" Her reply was "Mommy I am too little. I don't make milk yet, because I am not a Mommy and my boobies are too little."

            Gas, and 4 kids


            • #7
              The other day in class four of my kids were around a table playing and talking about jelly fish. I was sitting at another table and started to listen in to their conversation. One of the children was saying that you can't touch jelly fish and the other boy replied, "Yeah because the testicles will sting you". I've never seen my co-teacher move so fast, she jumped out of the kitchen and said, "Uh, Nate, I think the word you mean is tentacle."


              • #8
                This morning Mitchell indicated he wanted cereal so I opened up a bag of cocoa puffs that I bought recently. I guess he hasn't had them before, because he looked at it and said "dog food" and then proceeded to eat it. I guess it didn't occur to his 2 year old brain that it might be odd for me to feed him dog food because he didn't question it.
                Awake is the new sleep!


                • #9
                  Did I post about the lovely thing that Rick taught Nikolai? Yes, that everything Mommy drinks is "mommy's wine". and then my mother thought that was so cute she taught him that everything in a sippy cup is "baby wine". Nice.

                  and of course there is the bra issue. We were walking through the mall on the way back to the hotel two nights ago and of course in the midst of 'what's that' and 'what's that' and 'what's that' he announced in the lingerie section, "Bras Off Momma" and he ran around my parent's house with a pair of my mom's panties on his head telling everyone they were 'bras'. (and won't he be a fun frat boy nightmare)


