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Potty Regression

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  • Potty Regression

    Does anyone have some suggestions for me for dealing with potty-training regression?

    Alex has been potty-trained for quite some time now...but began having problems again once the kids started back in school....He has started having regular 'accidents' again....

    I'm thinking that this is related to all of the changes? ie the kids going to school and him starting preschool?

    I've not really dealt with this before and I'm not sure of how to handle this the best way...


  • #2
    I'm dealing with this exact same thing right now and I must say it is extremely frustrating!!! Maya basically potty trained herself right after she turned 2 and was doing fantastic for about 6 months. Then she started having occasional accidents, and eventually wound up peeing her pants more often than she used the toilet. I tried a lot of different approaches. At first I started polishing her toenails at the end of the day as a reward for being dry ALL day. That worked like a charm for several days and then she started doing it again. I tried several similar rewards which would work until it lost the excitement for her. I finally came to the conclusion that she was basically manipulating me--she had me dreaming up all kinds of ways to make peeing in the toilet fun and exciting for her. I should add I did take her to the pediatrician to rule out a UTI, and she didn't have one. Anyhow, at that point I decided no more rewards, except verbal praise and if she does pee her pants and I truly do not think it was an "accident" than she gets a timeout. I know you are not supposed to punish for accidents, but I'm treating this behavior just like I would any negative behavior. I have been using this method for the last few weeks and I have seen an improvement, though she still does have accidents. Also, I should add I am reminding her to use the toilet more frequently and I am making more of an effort to spend one on one time with her during the day so that she is getting positive attention from me rather than negative attention, since I do think this was largely an attention-seeking behavior. Well, that is probably way more information than you ever wanted to know about the "potty-situation" at my house!!! Good luck!
    Awake is the new sleep!


    • #3

      I'm still getting used to this...I didn't mean to post as admin 8)


