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I should always know that quiet is a bad sign

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  • I should always know that quiet is a bad sign

    I spent a good part of the afternoon being proud of myself for wearing the kids out at the pool, only to figure out later that the boys had gotten into the chewable Benadryl and eaten several. Quinn started to fall asleep at the chair at the counter, and then on my lap. Both of them had been upstairs in my room watching a movie for "quiet time" after an afternoon at the pool. My goal had been for them to fall asleep -- and when they did I was tickled! I thought I was so clever. Then when dh came home I went upstairs to change clothes (I was going out for a drink w/my neighbor who had had the day from hell), and started to find the empty pill pods ... and realized what they'd done.

    I spent the next hour rousing them while dh searched online journals to find out what level of benadryl is toxic, etc.

    Once I was satisfied that I hadn't managed to accidentally off my children, my neighbor & I went out for that drink ... :thud:

    I'm so embarassed / relieved / upset / ashamed. What kind of a mother sits there satisifed when her kids have actually DRUGGED themselves to sleep??

  • #2
    I can see why you would have that mix of feelings. Sometimes those chewable tabs taste a little too good. Sounds like they are ok?

    Two nights ago, when it was so hot, DH gave Anna some Benedryl at 1am because she couldn't sleep. Since he was half asleep when he did it, he left the bottle out on the counter. Guess what she went for in the morning? Luckily she was more interested in pouring it into the cup than drinking it. And her big sister spotted her, stopped her, and called us. Phew.....

    If she had taken some and put the lid back on (which her little a/r self does) it could have been a long time before we figured it out.


    • #3
      Don't feel bad about it because it happens to more people than you might think. Like Nellie said, the tablets probably tasted good. When I was a little kid I used to love this antihistamine syrup and I would drink it every chance I got. I'm glad that your kids are ok and that they didn't get into something more dangerous.
      IM PGY-2


      • #4
        What kind of a mother sits there satisifed when her kids have actually DRUGGED themselves to sleep??
        A normal one

        Seriously, I'm glad they are ok! The first time I flew with two kids I gave them Benadryl and Amy fell SOUND asleep and Caroline was bouncing and buzzing all over the airplane
        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Luanne123
          What kind of a mother sits there satisifed when her kids have actually DRUGGED themselves to sleep??
          A normal one
          Thank you.

          After more "clear-headed" discussion with them this morning, it seems that they thought it was gum, and that it was Quinn's idea. After I told them that it was really medicine that could have made them very sick, Quinn freaked out and wanted to know how to get it out of his tummy.

          The thing is, I have a hard time opening those chewable pills! I don't know how they did it! It wasn't a bottle or box of loose pills, it was the individually wrapped things. I'm still just sick about it.


          • #6
            Caroline was bouncing and buzzing all over the airplane
            That, unfortunately, is exactly how Benadryl affects my boys. So even when it is justified, I hesitate before giving it to them.

            Don't feel too bad, Jenn, stuff like that happens to us all. I barely have to scratch the surface of my memory of close calls to recall (with horror) the time I lost Nathan at a water park when he was 2, or the time Luke (also 2 at the time) carried a full knife block up the stairs, took all of the knives out of it and slid them under the couch cushions, and threw the knife sharpener over the balcony at the cat below. There are lots more.

            I am sure you enjoyed that drink!!!!

            Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

            "I don't know when Dad will be home."


            • #7
              I am so sorry Jenn! This will affect you much more than the boys, and I know how awful it feels to think you have or could have caused harm to your kids.

              I remember vividly when I lost my 2 year old, Ryan, in the bookstore at the University. Then, there was the time that I put him in his car seat, and the buckles had been in the sun, and I actually gave him second degree burns when the metal touched his legs. There was the time he kicked himself off the changing table into the trash can as a very tiny infant, and I was sure I had given him brain damage. He has no scars now, and he remembers none of the incidents, but I will feel guilt about them for the rest of my life, I think. Some things just stick in your head as your worst moments.

              BUT, your kids are okay, and will be okay!

              Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


              • #8
                You are "making memories"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I promise you will laugh one day. I have to admit some of these stories made me laugh (since I know the outcomes were OK.) When Amy was a baby we were in a hotel and her dad was tossing her up in the air and catching her (she loved this at home and would belly laugh) but the ceiling in the hotel was much lower, yes, she hit the ceiling. She was fine but the guilt was unbelievabnle for us.
                wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                • #9
                  When I was little, I caught my much younger brother after he ate a box of green pellet rat poison that was underneath the bathroom sink counter. He had green all over his face and he had thought it was candy (but how did he ever find it in the first place?!). My parents had to rush him to the hospital and they pumped his stomache. Now, we look back and laugh about it because stuff like that just happens, but I know it wasn't funny when he was still a curious little 3 y/o...
                  You'll be fine - You're still a good mom.

