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  • Stripping

    Every day this week my little one has taken off all her clothes including her diaper during her nap. Two days she peed in the bed, but the past few she has been dry. We have threatened her, spanked her two days and today I told her she could not go swimming when DH gets home. It doesnt seem to faze her. We are potty training more seriously now- no diapers except at night and nap, does that have anything to do with it? Any suggestions as to how I can keep her clothes on her during her nap?
    Mom to three wild women.

  • #2
    Caveat: I don't have kids, but...maybe she doesn't want to wear her diaper anymore? Maybe try it without?? I know a couple of kids that just decided one day they weren't wearing diapers anymore and there wasn't any negotiating with them.

    Good luck
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      Does it really bother you a lot? If she didn't pee in the bed would it be ok or is it more the actual being clothed part that is your concern?


      • #4
        My oldest didn't strip but refused to wear a diaper and after we worked so hard to get her out of the diaper....I just put a towel under her that I folded to be 4x thick.


        • #5
          yeah - I've got a stripper, too. he basically refuses clothing (other than underwear) unless we are going somewhere, or someone is coming over. I've chosen to worry about other battles. I figure he won't wander off to kindergarten in only his Star Wars undies.


          • #6
            Originally posted by jesher
            I figure he won't wander off to kindergarten in only his Star Wars undies.

            To clarify -- she loved to be nekked any other time but naptime wasn't the a big time for her. Our rule was clothing when we left the house or were in the front yard. The video of her first birthday shows her dressed for about five minutes and then she is naked the rest of the time.

            That is a safe bet, Jenn. She has attended every day of kindergarten fully clothed.


            • #7
              I dont mind the nakedness- I am trying to enforce that if we have guests over she needs to wear clothes except in her room. Other than that she is one naked kid all the time.

              My issue is that her nap time has become 'play in my room' time, and she isnt sleeping. I tell her she has to have that quiet time for two hours a day. So when she is running around naked in her room, there is the potential for pee and poop everywhere, although so far it has just been pee in her bed.

              Three times this week I have heard her calling me- mommmeeeeee i poopie in my bed! over and over til I come running. She has been diapered each time, but it is full of poop. I am worried if I let her go diaperless at nap/quiet time there will be poop all over her room. The fact that she is pooping at naptime seems purposeful to me- I think she is doing it to get out of taking her nap- she usually goes twice a day on average and in the last month she has gone poop in her diaper/panties maybe three times other than this in total. She is mostly poopie trained I think.

              Overall I am feeling like a big failure in the potty training process. I think we started way too early, and I think she is very capable of being diaper free. I think she goes in her pants as a control or manipulation issue, and I feel like throwing in the towel. I started at 19 months ( yeah, i said too early!- but she would go several times a day on the potty), and now she is 29 months. She has completely dry days, and is going to mothers day out in panties too now so that is good, right? I think I take every accident a little too personally and this process as a whole.
              Mom to three wild women.


              • #8
                We did the same with guests unless they were people she was around often.

                Ohhhh....I thought she was sleeping and might pee in one spot. The towel or waterproof pad worked for us because she was in the bed! That would be frustrating.

                I know how it seems personal. I don't think it is, but I have felt like that before.

                You need the quiet time as much as she does but I wonder if that is too long? Could you do two shorter quiet times? Or give up on the sleep and let her have an activity in her room that will keep her a little more subdued? It would be nice to have something that gives you a break and gives her down time. My oldest gave up her nap around the same age. She has always been on the "less sleep" end of the spectrum. I was really disappointed when I realized that the two hour naps were a thing of the past. Sometimes she would still take a nap and that is when I would slip a towel under her.


                • #9
                  My kids gave up naps very early. Would she have "quiet time" watching a video or something, and maybe fall asleep (with a diaper on!) while watching? I couldn't ever trust my kids to have quiet time in their rooms, especially my oldest. It just turned into a humongous battle and left me MORE exhausted than if he had just stayed with me.

                  I hear you about taking the potty training failures personally. Try not is SO not worth it. When she is ready, she will do it. None of my boys were trained particularly early, and even after going through it three times, if I were presented with another child, I would STILL have zero confidence about going through it again.

                  I would back WAY off the issue and let her take the lead.....even ask her if she wants to wear panties or pull-ups/diapers. Take the emotion out of it and see what happens. Try for a shorter nap and maybe promise to have a special time with her, coloring or something, if she stays in her room quietly for an agreed time.

                  Good luck!

                  Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                  "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                  • #10
                    Just a thought - maybe you could change the nap time to "quiet time" and offer to put a little potty in her room (casually) each day if she thinks she might need it? I know my daughter responded well to being "in charge" of her own toileting. She did not like me checking on her, watching her, nothing. Maybe that "alone time" and the habit of using it to poop or pee could work for you?
                    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                    • #11
                      I forgot to add that I don't think you started too early. I had a similar experience with my oldest -- she started showing interest when she was 18 or 19 months old and I didn't push much but didn't want to ignore it either. Besides being able to undress in the blink of an eye and loving being naked, this was part of the reason I didn't mind her running around without clothes. When she was, she would usually use the toilet.

                      It took a while for her to get to the point of being able to use the toilet when she was clothed. I think that having underwear close to her skin felt enough like a diaper that she just peed. When she did make the transition to using the toilet around 33 months, it was a relatively painless weekend to do so.

                      Of course, this is all MUCH easier to understand in hindsight. DD2 is venturing into being diaper-free. 10 days ago, the mere mention of the toilet would make her shake her head "no" but she had a rapid change of heart. I'd rather be on one side of it or the other but getting through it... . She has got peeing mostly figured out, poop is whole 'nuther messy story, and she only likes one particular toilet.


                      • #12
                        Having struggled with the potty training issue for our daughter (who turns 3 in October and shows little interest in the potty at home but will sometimes go at preschool), and after talking to multiple parents of older kids, it seems like no matter what you do, no child is really ever FULLY potty trained until they are at least 3 years old (that is, mostly accident free). I must admit, I don't have your patience, so this is why I don't plan to pursue the issue until our daughter's a little closer to 3.

                        I hope the nap antics stop soon!


                        • #13
                          So i took the advice I got here and have been having her nap in panties ( i have given her the choice bt diapers and panties) and have only had one accident in her bed so far in over a week. A few times she has been dry, a few times she was in plastic panties, and a few times she has gone in the little potty I put in her room. I also bought a 'piddle pad' at babies r us yesterday for the carseat- it got its first soaking today! Thanks for the redirection- I am glad to let go of that battle.
                          Mom to three wild women.

