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Bad Mommy Moment #37

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  • Bad Mommy Moment #37

    Yesterday morning I was holding Jack while turning off a table lamp when he reached out and touched the hot bulb before I could react! He only touched it for a split-second, but it was long enough for him to burn three of his little fingertips. I ended up taking him to the pediatrician, who assured me that's he's going to be fine, but ... I feel awful. I feel *SO* terribly guilty! :disappointed: He's been a little fussy and cranky, nothing that a little Tylenol hasn't helped. Small blisters formed on two of the fingertips, one of which popped yesterday and is bleeding today.

    He also managed to hit himself in the face with a pop-up toy the day before, so he has a small bruise underneath one eye. I was terrified that the ped was going to take one look at my banged-up, burned child and call CPS!

    DH is on call this weekend so I'm at my parents' house, fortunately my dad's a doc and has been keeping an eye on it.

    I officially withdraw my name from consideration for Mommy-of-the-Year award now.

    -Wife of urology attending.
    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)

  • #2
    oh no - you're doing great. you've cared for him as you should, and your kissing and cuddling him as he recovers. it's a really hard lesson to learn when they start exploring enough to hurt themselves. really hard. i honestly considered getting a helmet for Jacob when he started crawling and pulling up on things.

    jack will recover - and so will you. i'm officially re-entering your name. you're a great mom!


    • #3
      Oh my don't beat yourself up...the truth is there will be many more boo boos and some much worse, look at the bright side you are able to take him to the Ped and be reassured...w/ my oldest ds I went to the ped w/ everything...needless to say I realized one day that I was a frequent flyer( they love the frequent flyers ca-ching) and just learned to trust what my (then in fellowship) DH would diagnose...this was hard because in the back of my mind I was always saying "whatta you know your just a cardiologist?" But the truth is he knows now I am the type of mom that asks "how necessary (ie are any vaccines scheduled for the next vist) is my next well baby check up?" Obviously I am on my third baby...and thank GOD they are free of health issues outside of the norm. So in short...your a normal fantastic super duper mommy and your little angel knows it


      • #4
        The guilt only grows with them!!! You are doing fine, this is just a bump in the road. Do not beat yourself up, it is a long way until you send them off to college and there will be many bumps.
        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


        • #5
          Poor guy! You are not a bad mom! Your concern shows how much you care.



          • #6
            Don't feel bad, I dislocated Nikolai's elbow. Now, in my defense, I was attempting to prevent him from running into the street through the dog leash which would have decapitated him prior to his actually making it into the street.

            Luckily our friend the er doc was on his way over and we went in the back door of the er. and when the xray tech moved his arm in a certain way, she actually popped the elbow back in.

            But that was good for some guilty moments.


